Method debate is one method of learning that is essential for improving students' academic ability. Teaching materials selected and compiled into the pros and cons of the package. Students are divided into several groups and each group consisted of four people. In the group, students (two men took their positions pro and two others in a position counterproductive) to debate on the topic assigned. Report each group related to both the pros and cons of the position given to the teacher.

Later the teacher can evaluate each student on the mastery of material that includes both the position and evaluate how effective the procedure of students involved in the debate.
Basically, that all models are expected to work as cooperative learning, each model must involve the teaching materials that allow students to assist and support each other when they learn the material and work interdependence (interdependence) to complete the task. Social skills required in business should be considered important to collaborate in the success of completing the task group. These skills can be taught to the students and the role students can be determined to facilitate the group process. These roles may vary according to task, for example, the role of recorder (recorder), making conclusions (Summarizer), regulator of matter (materials manager), or the facilitator and the teacher's role can be as pemonitor learning process.

Method Role Playing
Method Role Playing is a way of mastery learning materials through the development of students' imagination and appreciation. The development of imagination and appreciation conducted by students act it out as a character living or inanimate objects. This game is generally carried out more than one person, it depends on what is played. Role Playing excess methods:

Involve all students can participate have the opportunity to promote their ability to cooperate.

Students free to take decisions and express intact.
The game is easy and discovery can be used in situations and different times.
Teachers can evaluate students' understanding of each observation when doing the game.
The game is a fun learning experience for children.
Problem Solving Methods (Problem Solving)
Method of solving problems (problem solving) is the use of methods in learning activities with the road train students to face various problems either personal or individual or group problems to be solved alone or together.
Learning orientation is the investigation and discovery which is basically solving the problem.

The benefits of problem solving methods as follows:

Train students to design an invention.
Think and act creatively.
Solve the problems faced realistically
Identify and conduct investigations.
Interpret and evaluate the results of observations.
Stimulate the development of students' progress thinking to solve problems faced by the right.
Can make school education more relevant to life, especially the world of work.
Weaknesses problem solving methods as follows:

Some subjects are difficult to apply this method. Eg limited laboratory equipment made it difficult for students to see and observe, and finally conclude the event or concept.
Require the allocation of a much longer time compared with other learning methods.
Problem Based Learning
Problem Based Instruction (PBI) to focus on life issues that are meaningful to students, the teacher's role presents a problem, ask questions and to facilitate the investigation and dialogue.

Step by step:

Teacher explains the purpose of learning. Explaining the logistics required. Motivating students engage in problem-solving activities selected.
Teachers help students define and organize learning tasks related to these problems (specify topics, tasks, schedules, etc..)
Teachers encourage students to gather the appropriate information, conduct experiments to obtain an explanation and problem solving, data collection, hypothesis, problem-solving.
Teachers assist students in planning and preparing the appropriate works such as reports and help them share the task with a friend.
Teachers help students to do reflection or evaluation of their investigation and the processes they use.

Students involved in learning activities so that knowledge absorbed really well.
Trained to work with other students.
Can get from various sources.

For students who are lazy goal of these methods can not be achieved.
Requires a lot of time and money.
Not all subjects can be applied with this method
Cooperative Script
The script is a method of cooperative learning where students work in pairs and orally summarize the parts of the material studied.

Step by step:

Teacher divides the students to pair up.
Teachers share the discourse / materials each student to read and make a summary.
Teachers and students who first set served as a speaker and who will act as a listener.
Speakers read summarized as complete as possible, to include the main ideas in summary. While the audience listened to / correct / show the main ideas that are less comprehensive and help to remember / memorize basic ideas by connecting the previous material or with other material.
Exchanging roles, initially as a speaker exchanged a listener and vice versa, and do as above.
Conclusion teacher.

Train the hearing, accuracy / precision.
Each student receives a role.
Train other people's mistakes express verbally.

Only used for certain subjects
Only two people do (not involving the whole class so that the correction was limited to two people).
Picture and Picture
Picture and Picture is a learning method that uses pictures and paired / sorted into a logical sequence.

Step by step:
1. Teachers convey competence to be achieved.
2. Presents the material in the introduction.
3. Teacher shows / show images associated with the material.
4. Teachers pointed to / call the students in turn set / sort the pictures into a logical sequence.
5. Teachers ask for reasons / rationale for the image sequence.
6. Of the reason / order of the image of teachers start instilling concepts / materials in accordance with the competencies to be achieved.
7. Conclusion / summary.

1. Teacher knows the ability of each student.
2. Trained to think logically and systematically.

Disadvantages: It took a lot of time. Many students are passive.

Numbered Heads Together
Numbered Heads Together is a method of learning where each student was given a number and then made a random group of teachers and then call the number of students.
Step by step:

Students were divided into groups, each student in each group received a number.
Teacher gives task and each working group.
Group discussed the correct answers and make sure each member of the group can do it.
Teachers call one number to the number of students who called to report the results of their cooperation.
Response from another friend, then the teacher pointed to another number.

Each student becomes ready for all.
Can make the discussion seriously.
Students who can teach students good at the less intelligent.

The possibility that the number was called, was summoned again by the teacher.
Not all members of the group called by the teachers
Method Investigation Group (Group Investigation)
Group investigation method is often regarded as the most complex methods and the most difficult to implement cooperative learning. This method involves students from the planning, both in determining the topic and how to learn through investigation. This method requires students to have good skills in communication and in the group process skills (group process skills). The teachers who use investigative methods generally divide the class into several groups of 5 to 6 students with heterogeneous characteristics. The division of groups can also be based on pleasure friends or common interests of a particular topic. The students choose a topic you want to learn, following the in-depth investigations of various subtopik selected, then prepare and present a report to the class as a whole. The description of the steps the group investigation methods can be presented as follows:

a. Topic selection
Parasiswa choose various subtopik in a general problem area is usually described in advance by the teacher. The students then organized into groups on the task-oriented (task-oriented groups) are composed of 2 to 6 people. The composition of heterogeneous groups in both genders, ethnicity and academic ability.

b. Merencanakan cooperation
Parasiswa with teachers to plan a variety of specific learning procedures, tasks and general objectives that are consistent with a variety of topics and selected subtopik from step a) above.

c. Implementation
Parasiswa execute the plans have been formulated in step b). Learning must involve various activities and skills with a wide variety and encourage students to use a variety of sources that are either inside or outside of school. Teachers continually follow the progress of each group and provide assistance if needed.

d. Analysis and synthesis
Parasiswa analyze and synthesize the information obtained in step c) and plan to be summarized in an interesting presentation to the class.

e. Presentation of final results
All groups presents an interesting presentation of various topics that have been studied in order that all students in each class involved and reach a broad perspective on the topic. Presentation of the group coordinated by the teacher.

f. Evaluation
Teachers and students to evaluate the contribution of each group of class work as a whole. Evaluation may include each student as an individual or group, or both.

Jigsaw Method
Basically, in this model teachers to share units of information into components smaller. Furthermore teachers divide students into cooperative learning groups consisting of four students so that each member is responsible for mastery of each component / teacher assigned subtopik best. Students from each group responsible for forming the same subtopik another group consisting of consisting of two or three people.

These students work together to complete the task kooperatifnya in: a) learn and become experts in subtopik parts; b) plan how to teach parts subtopik original group members. After the students returned to their respective groups as "experts" in subtopiknya and teach important information in these subtopik to friends. Subtopik expert in other similar acts. So that all students are responsible for showing his mastery of the material assigned by the teacher. Thus, every student in the group must master the topic as a whole.

Method Team Games Tournament (TGT)
TGT model of cooperative learning is one type or model of cooperative learning are easy to implement, involving the activities of all students without a difference in status, involving the role of students as peer tutors and an element of the game and reinforcement.
Learning activities designed to play in the TGT model of cooperative learning allows students to learn to relax in addition to cultivate responsibility, cooperation, healthy competition and the involvement of learning.
Ada5 main component in the main component in the TGT that is:

1. Serving class
At the beginning teachers deliver learning materials in the classroom presentation, usually done by direct instruction or with lectures, discussions led by teachers. At the time of presentation of this class students should really pay attention and understand the material presented teachers, because it helps students perform better at work and at the game because the game score will determine the score of the group.

2. Group (team)
Groups usually consist of 4 to 5 students who are members of heterogeneous views of academic achievement, gender and race or ethnicity. The function group is to further explore the material with friends and more specific group to prepare group members to work properly and optimally at the time of the game.

3. Game
Game consists of questions designed to test students' knowledge gained from classroom presentation and study groups. Most games consisted of simple questions numbered. Students choose a numbered card and try to answer the questions according to the number. Students who correctly answer that question will get a score. These scores of students who later collected for the tournament week.

4. Tournaments
Usually tournaments conducted on weekends or on each unit after the teacher and the classroom presentation group was working on the worksheet. The first tournament of teachers divide students into several table tournaments. The three highest student achievement grouped in table I, three more students on the table II and so on.

5. Team recognize (group award)
Teachers then announce the winning group, each team will receive a gift certificate or if the average score to meet the specified criteria. Team earned the nickname "Super Team" if the average score of 45 or more, "Great Team" when the average reached 40-45, and "Good Team" if the average is 30-40

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Model Student Teams - Achievement Divisions (STAD)
Students are grouped in heterogeneous and students who are good at explaining other members to understand.
Step by step:

Form a group whose members are heterogeneous, 4 person (mixed according to achievement, gender, tribe, etc..).
Teacher presents lessons.
Teacher gives task group to be done by members of the group. Members who know to explain to other members until all members of the group understood.
Teachers give quizzes / questions to all students. At the time of answering the quiz can not help each other.
Giving evaluation.
1. All students become better prepared.
2. Well trained cooperation.

1. All group members have difficulty.
2. Distinguish students.

Model Examples Non-Examples
Examples Non-Examples are learning method using examples. Examples can be the case / relevant images with KD.
Step by step:

Teachers prepare drawings in accordance with learning goals.
Teachers put a picture on the board or running through the OHP.
Teachers give guidance and provide an opportunity for students to observe / analyze the images.
Through group discussions of 2-3 students, the discussion of image analysis are recorded on paper.
Each group was given the opportunity to read the results of discussions.
Starting from comments / student discussions, teachers began to explain the material according to the goal.
1. Students were more critical in analyzing the images.
2. Students learn the application of the material in the form of image examples.
3. Students are given the opportunity to express his opinion.

1. Not all material can be presented in the form of images.
2. Take a long time.

Model Lesson Study
Lesson Study is a method that dikembankan in Japan in Jepangnyadisebut Jugyokenkyuu. Term lesson study itself was created by Makoto Yoshida.
Lesson Study is a process in developing the professionalism of teachers in Japan by investigating / testing their teaching practices to become more effective.
As for the steps as follows:

1. A number of teachers working in a group. This cooperation includes:

a. Planning.

b. Teaching practice.

c. Observation.

d. Reflection / criticism towards learning.

2. One of the teachers in the group doing the planning stages of making a mature lesson plans with the foundations that support the theory.

3. Teachers who have made learning plans in (2) and actual classroom teaching. Means phase implemented teaching practice.

4. Other teachers in the group studied the learning process with a matching lesson plans that have been made. Observation phase terlalui means.

5. All teachers in the group, including teachers who have taught together and then discuss their observations of learning that has taken place. This stage is a stage of reflection. In this phase also discussed remedial measures to the next learning.

6. Results in (5) further implemented in the classroom / learning next and so on back to (2).

The excess of lesson study method as follows:

- Can be applied in every field from art, language, to math and sports and at every grade level.

- Can be implemented between / across schools.


Arias Learning Model
Abstract. Arias learning model was developed as an alternative that can be used by teachers as a basis for learning activities well. Arias learning model contains five components is a unity that is required for learning activities that assurance, relevance, interest, assessment, and satisfaction are developed based on learning theories.

This model was tested at two different schools is one of the state elementary school in the city of Palembang (first experiment) and a state elementary school in Sekayu, Musi Banyu Asin (second experiment). The results of field trials showed that Arias learning models provide a positive influence on achievement motivation and student learning outcomes. Based on the results of these experiments Arias learning model can be used by teachers as a basis for learning activities in an effort to improve achievement motivation and student learning outcomes.

Keywords: achievement motivation, student learning outcomes, Arias, learning activities

1. Introduction

One of the problems in learning in school is the low student learning outcomes. A test of a number of primary school students from various districts and provinces to show the results of student learning is very low (Lastri 1993:12). EBTANAS value of primary school students within the last five years (1993/1994 to 1997/1998) showed results of less exciting learning (MOEC, 1998).

Study results are influenced by various factors, both factors from the (internal) and external factors (external). According Suryabrata (1982: 27) which includes an internal factor is the physiological and psychological factors (such as achievement motivation and intelligence of cognitive abilities), whereas the external factors including the environmental and instrumental factors (such as teachers, curriculum and learning model). Bloom (1982: 11) suggests three main factors that affect learning outcomes, the cognitive ability, achievement motivation and the quality of learning. Quality learning is the quality of the learning activities undertaken and it involves learning models used.

Often found on the ground that the master teacher of a subject matter well but can not implement learning activities well. That's because these activities are not based on specific learning models so that results obtained studying the low students. The question arises whether perhaps developed a simple learning model, systematic, meaningful and can be used by teachers as a basis for learning activities well so that could help improve achievement motivation and learning outcomes. With regard to this, then by taking into account the various concepts and theories learned dikembangkanlah a learning model called Arias learning model. To find out how the influence Arias learning model of achievement motivation and student learning outcomes, has been tested on a number of students at two different schools. The results of field trials showed that Arias learning models provide a positive influence on achievement motivation and student learning outcomes. Therefore, Arias learning model can be used by teachers as a basis for learning activities well, and as an alternative in an effort to increase achievement motivation and student learning outcomes. The purpose of this field experiment to determine whether there is influence Arias learning model of achievement motivation and learning outcomes.

2. Theory Study and Discussion

Arias 2.1 Learning Model

Arias learning model is a modification of the ARCS model. ARCS model (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction), developed by Keller and Kopp (1987: 2-9) as the answer to the question of how to design lessons that can affect achievement motivation and learning outcomes. This learning model was developed based on the theory of expected value (Expectancy value theory) that contains two components of value (value) of the objectives to be achieved and expectations (Expectancy) in order to successfully achieve this goal. Of these two components by Keller developed into four components. The fourth component of the learning model is attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction with the acronym ARCS (Keller and Kopp, 1987: 289-319).

Learning model is interesting because it was developed on the basis of learning theories and actual experiences of the instructor (Bohlin, 1987: 11-14). However, in this learning model no evaluation (assessment), whereas evaluation is a component that can not be separated in the learning activities. Evaluation conducted not only at the end of the learning activities but need to be implemented during the last activity. Evaluation carried out to determine the extent to which progress has been made or the results obtained student learning (DeCecco, 1968: 610). Evaluation carried out during the learning process according to Saunders et al. as quoted by Beard and Senior (1980: 72) may affect students' learning results. Given the importance of evaluation, the learning model was modified by adding an evaluation component in the learning model.

With these modifications, the learning model used contains five components namely: attention (interest / attention); relevance (relevance); confidence (trust / believe); satisfaction (satisfaction / pride), and assessment (evaluation). Modification was also made with confidence renaming the assurance, and attention into interest. Replacement name confidence (confident) to assurance, because the word is synonymous with the assurance of self-confidence (Morris, 1981: 80). In the learning activities teachers not only believe that the students will be able and successful, but also very important instill self-confidence of students that they felt capable and able to succeed. Similarly, attention to replacing the word interest, because the word interest (interest) already contained the notion attention (attention). With the interest not only attract interest / attention of students at the beginning of activity but still maintain the interest / attention during learning activities take place. To obtain a better acronym and more meaningful then the order was modified to be assurance, relevance, interest, assessment and satisfaction. The meaning of this modification is the first effort in the learning activities to instill confidence / trust in students. Learning activities relevant to student life, trying to attract and maintain interest / attention of students. Then performed the evaluation and foster a sense of pride in students by providing reinforcement (reinforcement). By taking the first letter of each component to produce Arias said as an acronym. Therefore, the model of a modified learning is called learning models Arias.

Component 2.2 Learning Model Arias

As has been stated Arias learning model consists of five components (assurance, relevance, interest, assessment, and satisfaction) are compiled based on learning theory. The fifth component is a unity that is required for learning activities. Brief description of each component and a sample of what can be done to arouse and enhance learning activities are as follows.

The first component is a model of learning Arias assurance (confidence), which is associated with the attitude to believe, believe will be successful or that relate to expectations for success (Keller, 1987: 2-9). According to Bandura as quoted by Gagne and Driscoll (1988: 70) a person who has high self-confident attitude tends to be successful no matter what ability he has. The attitude in which a person feels confident, trust can be successfully achieved something will affect their behavior to achieve success. These attitudes affect one's actual performance, so the differences in these attitudes cause differences in performance. Attitude of trust, believe or hope will work to encourage individuals to act to achieve a success (Petri, 1986: 218). Students who have a confident attitude has a positive assessment of him tends to show a good performance is continuously (Prayitno, 1989: 42). Confident attitude, confident this will work need to invest to students to encourage them to try the maximum to achieve optimal success. With a sure, confident and feel able to do something with successful, motivated students to do activities as well as possible so as to achieve better results than previously or may exceed the others. Some ways that can be used to influence the attitude of self-confidence is:

- Helps students recognize the strengths and weaknesses, and instill in students a positive self image of yourself. Bring someone who is famous in the field as speakers, video tapes or show a portrait of someone who has succeeded (as models), for example, is one way of instilling a positive image of yourself and the students. According to Martin and Briggs (1986: 427-433) using a successful model of a person can change attitudes and behavior of individuals received wide support from the experts. Using someone as a model to instill self-confident attitude as cited by Bandura Gagne and Briggs (1979: 88) was carried out widely in schools.

- Using a standard, a standard that allows students to achieve success (eg by saying that you would be able to answer the questions below without seeing the book).

- Giving a difficult task but realistic enough to be completed / in accordance with students' abilities (eg giving the task to the students starting from a simple fade to a difficult task). Presenting the material in stages in accordance with the order and level of difficulty according to Keller and Dodge as cited in Reigeluth and Curtis Gagne (1987: 175-202) is one attempt instill confidence in students.

- Giving students the opportunity to gradually learn and be independent in practice a skill.

The second component of the learning model Arias, relevance, which is related to student life experiences either now or who have owned or related to the career needs of today or the future (Keller, 1987: 2-9). Students felt their learning activities follow a value, helpful and useful for their lives. Students will be motivated to learn something about what's going to learn any relevance to their lives, and have clear objectives. Something that has the purpose, and clear goals and no benefits, and relevant to life will encourage individuals to achieve that goal. With a clear purpose they will know what skills will be owned and what the experience will be obtained. They also will know the gap between the capabilities that have been owned by the new capabilities that this gap can be reduced or even eliminated altogether (Gagne and Driscoll, 1988: 140).

In learning activities, teachers need to consider the relevance of this element. Some ways that can be used to improve the relevance of learning are:

- Put forward objectives to be achieved. Clear objectives which will provide clear expectations (concrete) on the students and encourage them to achieve those goals (DeCecco, 1968: 162). This will affect the results of their study.

- Bring the benefits of student life lesson for both the present and / or for various activities in the future.

- Use clear language or examples that are related to actual experiences or values that students possess. Clear language is the language understood by the students. Actual experience or direct experience that can bridge it experienced students to new things. Experience other than giving fun for students, is also needed is essentially a bridge leading to the same starting point in engaging students mentally, emotionally, socially and physically, as well as an attempt to see the scope of issues under discussion (Semiawan, 1991). (4) Using a variety of alternative learning strategies and media that are suitable for achieving goals. Thus it is possible to use a variety of strategies and / or media learning in each learning activity.

The third component of the learning model Arias, interest, is associated with the interest / attention of students. According to Woodruff was quoted as saying by Callahan (1966: 23) that real learning does not occur without interest / attention. Keller was quoted as saying Reigeluth (1987: 383-430) states that in the learning activities of interest / concern not only to be resurrected, but also must be maintained during the learning activities take place. Therefore, teachers must consider the various forms and focus on the interest / attention in learning activities. Herndon (1987:11-14) shows that the interest / attention of students given the task to encourage students to continue his job. Students will return to do something interesting in accordance with the interest / attention. Generating and maintaining interest / concern is the growing curiosity of students' effort required in learning activities.

Interest / attention is a very useful tool in efforts affect students' learning results. Some ways that can be used to generate and maintain interest / attention of students include:

- Use stories, analogies, something new, something other shows / odd different from regular learning.

- Giving students the chance to participate actively in learning, for example, invited students to choose the discussion topics will be discussed, ask a question or a problem that needs to be solved.

- Organize the variation in learning activities such as quoted by Lesser Gagne and Driscoll (1988: 69) variations from serious to humorous, from fast to slow, from loud voice to the voices that are, and changing teaching styles.

- Conducting nonverbal communication in learning activities such as demonstrations and simulations that according to Gagne and Briggs (1979: 157) can be done to attract the interest / attention of students.

The fourth component is the learning model Arias assessment in connection with the evaluation of students. Evaluation is an essential part of learning that provide benefits for teachers and students (Lefrancois, 1982: 336). Deale for teachers, as quoted by Lefrancois (1982: 336) evaluation is a tool to find out if you have been taught has been understood by students; to monitor the progress of students as individuals and as groups; to record what students have accomplished, and to assist students in learning . For students, the evaluation is feedback on the strengths and weaknesses that are owned, can encourage better learning and increased achievement motivation (Hopkins and Antes, 1990:31). Evaluation of the students performed to determine the extent of the progress they have achieved. Does the student have the ability as expressed in learning objectives (Gagne and Briggs, 1979:157). Evaluation is not only done by the teachers but also by students to evaluate themselves (self assessment) or self-evaluation. Self-evaluation done by the students against themselves, or against their friends. This will encourage students to try harder than before in order to achieve maximum results. They would feel ashamed if the weaknesses and shortcomings that have known by their own friends. Self-evaluation of an evaluation that supports the teaching and learning process and help students improve their success (Soekamto, 1994). This is in line with the Martin and Briggs stated as quoted by Bohlin (1987: 11-14) that is widely self-evaluation is very helpful in the development of learning on their own initiative. Thus, self-evaluation can encourage students to enhance what they want to achieve. This also fits with what is stated Morton and Macbeth, as quoted Beard and Senior (1980: 76) that self-evaluation can affect students' learning results. Therefore, to influence students' evaluations need to be implemented in the learning activities. Some ways that can be used to conduct the evaluation include:

To evaluate and provide feedback on student performance.
Provide an objective evaluation, fair and immediately inform the student evaluation results.
Giving students the opportunity to conduct self-evaluation.
Giving students the opportunity to conduct an evaluation of a friend.
The fifth component of the learning model that Arias was the satisfaction associated with a sense of pride, satisfaction with the results achieved. In the theory of satisfaction is the reinforcement learning (reinforcement). Students who have succeeded in doing or achieving something to feel proud / happy for your success. Accomplishment and pride that a booster for the students to achieve the next success (Gagne and Driscoll, 1988: 70). Reinforcement or reinforcement that can provide a sense of pride and satisfaction in students is important and necessary in learning activities (Hilgard and Bower, 1975:561). According to Keller on the theory of pride, a sense of satisfaction can arise from within the individual himself who called intrinsic pride in which individuals feel satisfied and proud to have succeeded in doing, achieving or getting something. Pride and satisfaction can also arise due to the influence from outside the individual, that is from other people or the environment, called the pride of extrinsic (Keller and Kopp, 1987: 2-9). Someone feel proud and satisfied that what is done and produced an award winning both verbal and nonverbal nature of the people or the environment. Award (reward) by Thorndike as quoted by Gagne and Briggs (1979: <!- - [endif] -> is a reinforcement (reinforcement) learning activities. Thus, giving the award is one way that can be used to influence student learning outcomes (Hilgard and Bower, 1975: 561). For that, a sense of pride and pleased to embedded and maintained in the student. Some of the ways that can be done include:

- Provide reinforcement (reinforcement), the award is well deserved verbal and non-verbal to students who have been showing success. Speech teacher: "Good, you've done very well!". Nodded his head with a smile as a sign of consent to the students' responses to a question, is a form of reinforcement for students who have succeeded in doing an activity. Sincere words and / or the teacher smiles sympathetically created a sense of pride in students and this will encourage him to do things better, and get better results than before.

- Providing opportunities for students to apply knowledge / new skills acquired in real or simulated situations.

- Show great attention to the students, so they feel recognized and appreciated by the teachers.

- Giving students the chance to help their friends who have difficulty / require support.

2.3 Use of Model Learning Arias

Use of Arias learning model needs to be done from the beginning, before the teacher did in class learning activities. This learning model is used since the teacher or designer to design learning activities in the form of units of such class. Unit lesson as holders (guidelines) and the class teacher as a unit of lessons / materials for students. Unit lessons for teachers to hold highly structured, so that the units in these courses have components containing Arias. That is, the unit's lessons are portrayed business / activities to be done to instill confidence in students, a relevant activity, the interest / attention of students, to evaluate and foster a sense of respect / pride in students. Teacher or developer has designed a sequence of all activities conducted, strategies or methods to be used, the media of learning what to wear, what equipment is needed, and how the assessment will be conducted. Still learning activities tailored to the circumstances, conditions and environment students. Similarly, as the unit of study materials or materials for students. Material / material should be compiled based learning model Arias. Language, vocabulary, sentences, pictures or illustrations, the materials or the materials can foster self-confidence in students, that they are capable of, and what is learned there is some relevance to their lives. The shape, structure and content of materials or the materials can generate interest / attention of students, giving students the chance to conduct self-evaluation and the students feel valued which can cause a sense of pride in them. Teachers and / or developers to use language that is easy to understand and be understood, the words clear and simple sentences straightforward so that the point can be easily captured and digested students. Material / material to be equipped with a clear image and attract in sufficient quantities. Images can cause a variety of fantasy / fantasy and can help students more easily understand the material / material being studied.

Students can imagine / fantasize about anything, even to imagine himself as anything (McClelland, 1987: 29). Material / material and arranged in order of difficulty stages need to be made in such a way that can lead to curiosity and allows students to conduct their own evaluation.

3. Field Experiment Results

Arias learning model has been tested on a number of students at two different schools. The first model is tested to a number of class V students of a primary school (elementary) School in Palembang City for a quarter of quarterly III 1995/1996 school year. The school was taken as a simple random sample of equal number of state elementary school in Palembang City has parallel V class. Elementary students from the total 60 people were taken V-grade students as samples that are grouped into four groups, where each group of students numbered 15 people. This student sample was also taken at random simple. Experiments using the method of factorial design experiment with 2 x 2. To obtain the necessary data used to learn the results of test instruments and questionnaires that have tested the validity and reliability. The data obtained were analyzed by ANAVA-2 lines with the F test at a significance level a = 0.05.

The second experiment also experimenting with using 2 x 2 design was carried out in different primary schools, namely a state elementary school in Sekayu, Musi Banyu Asin. Long experiment during which one quarter quarterly II 1996/1997 school year. The number of 80 samples of students who are categorized into four groups where each group of students numbered 20 people. Both samples of students' primary and samples taken at random simple. To obtain the necessary data used achievement motivation test. The data obtained was also analyzed by ANAVA-2 lines at the level of significance a = 0.05. Just as in the first experiment, in this second experiment was also carried out an analysis of test requirements for the Lilliefors test for normality and Bartlett test for homogeneity of data.

Does achievement motivation and learning results of students who follow the model of learning Arias higher than those who follow the model of non-Arias learning. For that good on the first or the second experiment, students are grouped into control and experimental groups. Learning activities in the experimental group implemented based learning model Arias. Unit lessons arranged by Arias learning model developed / developed by the authors. In the control group learning activities undertaken by non-learning models Arias, a unit of lessons prepared by the class teacher concerned. In the second experiment was conducted controlling internal and external validity. Control of internal validity are:

(1) equalize each group at the beginning of the experiment by analyzing the initial test scores of each group to avoid the effects of different subject selection;

(2) Using the same instruments for the final test and initial tests in order to avoid the effects of differences in measuring instruments;

(3) To that no subject withdrew during the study took place to avoid the effects of loss of subjects in the experiment;

(4) Provide a relatively brief treatment, to avoid the effects of maturation and the effect of initial tests. Control of external validity are:

1. Determination of the control group, experimental group and the selection of teachers who have equivalent qualifications randomly assigned;

2. The atmosphere of learning, classroom situations, and conditions of each group all the same as school days, except the use of learning models Arias in the experimental group, to avoid environmental effects that can cause an excessive reaction from students;

3. During the experiment students were not told that there is research to avoid the effects Howthorne and John Henry.

ANAVA results showed that the first experiment Fo = 10.74 is much greater than Ft = 4.02 at a significance level a = 0.05, and the average score difference between the two groups XA = 78.80> Xn-A = 75.93 (Sopah, 1999: 120 - 121). These results indicate that the students' learning model Arias higher than those who follow the model of non-Arias learning. In the second experiment Fo = greater than 8.44 Ft = 3.96 at a significance level a = 0.05, and the average score difference between the two groups is XA = 18.55> Xn-A = 15.98 (Sopah, 1998 : 99-100). These results indicate that the achievement motivation of students who follow the learning model Arias higher than those who follow the model of non-Arias learning.

The results of both experiments show that there is influence Arias learning model of achievement motivation and learning outcomes. Achievement motivation and learning results of students who follow the model of learning Arias higher than those who follow the model of non-Arias learning.

4. Closing

From the results of two field experiments can be said that Arias learning model can be used by teachers as an alternative in an effort to increase achievement motivation and learning outcomes. Although this field experiment showed positive results but the experiment has some limitations, namely:

From the results of two field experiments can be said that learning models can be used by teachers as an alternative in an effort to increase achievement motivation and learning outcomes. Although this field experiment showed positive results but the experiment has some limitations, namely:

- The experiment was conducted by taking samples of one state elementary school in the city of Palembang (first experiment) and one primary school in the country Sekayu, Musi Banyu Asin (second experiment). Although the sample was drawn at random, but their number is limited, so the results may not be generalizable to a broader area. For that, should any other similar studies with regional distribution and a broader sample. With the support of this kind of research results is expected to be a material consideration of the use of learning models in primary school Arias.

- When used for this experiment is also limited. The experiment lasted only one quarterly. Because time is limited, then the material or material provided is also limited, not so much. Although in this experiment has been carried out carefully control, but because of the limited time and materials provided the possibility of the influence of other variables that are not controlled can happen. For that, there is need for further research much longer time, materials or materials given more, so it can better reflect that Arias learning model can affect students' learning outcome or not.

- Field studies that use limited to one area of study even one subfields of study. Good results obtained in this study subfields not necessarily give the same results in other subjects. Because it is also necessary to other similar studies in various fields of study, so as to reflect the amount of influence Arias learning model of student learning outcomes.

- In this experiment units arranged according to lesson learning model Arias, both for teachers as well as handle materials / materials for students prepared by the author. Units of study by Arias learning model is tested and the results were good. These good results may need to be supported by other similar studies in which the unit according to the model of learning lessons Arias arranged by the teacher concerned. Thus it will be seen whether the unit according to the model of learning lessons Arias, prepared by teachers with a variety of limitations will also achieve better results.

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Djamaah Sopah, born in Penggage, April 14, 1944. Completing the Bachelor of Education from IKIP Bandung Palembang Branch in 1967 and Bachelor of Education majoring in Public Education in Guidance and Counseling, Sriwijaya University in 1974. In 1982 following postgraduate education at the University of Kentucky, USA, and obtained his Master of Science in Education in Curriculum & Instruction in 1984. In 1985 received a diploma Mengajar Act V of the Open University. In 1999 received his Doctorate in Educational Technology from IKIP Jakarta.

From 1962 to 1974 had been a teacher and head of elementary, junior high school teachers, teacher SPSA, as well as teacher and head of SPG. Since 1974 until now a lecturer at the FIP / Guidance and Counseling, University of Sriwijaya. In addition, once a Network Coordinator for Instructional Improvement-WUAE, BKS / B-USAID 1985-1990. Instructor at Learning Development upgrading in various State Universities in Indonesia Western Region and various private universities in Kopertis Region II (1984-1990). In 1987 was invited as an instructor at "the WUAE-BKS / B Training Institute" University of Kentucky, USA.

Scientific articles ever written include: "Communication between Parents and Children" presented at the Panel Discussion ISWI Palembang, 1990. "Transparency OHP as Media Edukasyonal" (Voice Teacher No. 5 Th. XLVI/1997). "Achievement Motivation, Attention Parents and Outcome Study" (Forum Education No. 2 Th. XIII/1996). While seminars / workshops have been followed international among others "Mid-Winter Community Seminar (Tuskeege, USA, 1982).

"The International Development Training Workshop" (Lexington, USA, 1983).

Source: Center for Education Statistics, Research and Development - Ministry of National Education


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d. theory and development objectives PIPS
e. theory, procedures, and curriculum development model PIPS
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g. theories of learning outcomes PIPS
h. evaluation models PIPS
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Social Studies
Review of Educational Research
Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial






1. Problem Background
One of the goals of mathematics learning is expected in the Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) is that learners have the ability to solve mathematical concepts, explains the relationship between concepts and apply the concepts or algorithms are flexible, accurate, efficient and accurate in solving the problem.
On a more operational level, a reference to evaluate the achievement of learning objectives linked directly to the mastery of competencies as stated in the Standard Content (SI) and the Competency Standards Graduates (SKL). Decision study (Mastery learning or level of mastery) students are expected to at least 70% (Standard BNSP. process 2007). This means that learners have a mastery of at least 70% of the competencies set out in the SI and graduation. The decision is very important at least to be implemented in the learning process so that students have no trouble in the next learning stage. For completeness teachers learn that students are well prasarat be taken into consideration for designing the next stage of learning.
Refers to the competencies set out in the SI, the authors attempt to design learning that allow students to achieve understanding in order to achieve optimum performance standard completeness. One of them by the media seeking to learn who can draw students to learn a mathematical concept. The author uses the media of colored beads to instill in the students' understanding of the basic competencies of the Commission to determine the two numbers, the class IV Selomerto SD 2, Selomerto district, Wonosobo regency.

The use of the media on the basis of considerations can dimanipulatif by students to find their own concept of the Commission to determine the two numbers.
2. Indetifikasi Problems
Based on the background of the above problems, the author identifies some problems that arise, among others:
a. Only half the students are actively learning
b. Lack of props that are used
c. The method used is less bervariatif
3. Problem Analysis
From the identification of issues that arise, the authors reflect on themselves and discuss with colleagues the unknown
a. Passive causative factor in the following student learning are:
1. The learning process less draw students
2. Students lack the opportunity to build the concept
3. Teachers less creative in presenting learning materials
b. Factors causing the lack of props
Teachers only use textbooks that have no props so that students are less interested in learning
c. Teachers less creative in conveying the subject matter, in explaining too abstract because the method used only one method alone without bervariatif.

Based on the identification and analysis of the problem of formulating the problem the author:
"Is the media using colored beads to enhance the learning of mathematics in the search for the Commission of the two numbers for elementary school students IV grade 2 Selomerto school year 2009 / 2010?

In general, this research aims to enhance students' learning achievement.
1. For students aiming to:
a. Increasing active and enthusiastic student learning
b. Improving student achievement in mathematics
c. Facilitate students' comprehension ability of the Commission for the two numbers by using colored beads
2. For teachers and researchers, aims to:
a. Knowing the extent to which aids the effectiveness of colored beads in improving the understanding of the material for the Commission of two numbers.
b. Improve the quality of learning through the use of medium colored beads.
c. Improving the performance of teachers in improving student learning results in understanding the concept for the Commission of two numbers.

1. Theoretical benefits
In terms of scientific, research is expected to provide information in the form of a description of a theory that increasing the learning of mathematics in the material for the Commission of two numbers can be pursued through the use of medium colored beads.
2. Practical benefits
a. For Students
 Increasing the motivation to study by using the media colored beads
 To increase students' understanding of subject matter
 Increasing the achievement of learning
b. For Teachers
 Improve the quality of learning
 Develop a critical attitude and responsive to issues of creative learning and to find alternative solutions
 Have knowledge and experience of the PTK
 Developing the profession
 The results can be used as a reference for subsequent research,
c. For Schools
 As an input from other teachers in the teaching material for the Commission of two numbers
 As a reference to conduct similar research activities


Class Action Research (TOD) is a study conducted by a teacher in his own class through self-reflection in order to improve their performance seagai teachers, so that teaching and learning results to be increased (Wardani dkk.2002).
This means that teachers are people who are considered most knowledgeable about everything that happens in the classroom so that the necessary remedial actions conducted a study to improve the learning that has been done.
Mathematics learning is the process of providing learning experiences to students through a series of planned activities so that students gain the competence of the material studied metematika (Billy Muhsetyo dkk.2007).
One form of a series of such activities is to prepare appropriate learning media with the lesson material. In this case using colored beads deemed appropriate to assist students in achieving basic competency for the Commission of the two numbers.
Learning discovery (discovery learning), one model / learning or cognitive learning developed by Bruner (1966). According to Bruner meaningful learning can only occur through discovery learning. In order to become more meaningful and has a strong information structure, students must actively identify key principles found himself. Not just accept the explanation from the teacher only (gagne / berlener).
Through the use of media-colored beads, teachers hope students can find their own concepts for the Commission of two numbers based on the facts he found himself.
Mathematics starting from the concrete to the abstract, from easy to difficult, and the simple things into complex things. This is in line with the opinion of Carol Gestwicki (1995) about the basic principle that the development of elementary school students how to think of something simple into something complex, from general to specific.
One of the materials in elementary mathematics class is to seek the Commission IV of the two numbers. This is where teachers are required to be able to instill the solution to the material to students using the media and the appropriate methods. Media serves to simplify the difficult concepts, presents an abstract concept becomes more real, or explain the concept more concrete terms.
Teachers use the media made of colored beads. The beads are small grains made of beads, shells or plastic, etc. (complete Dictionary Indonesian. Karangan Fajri Zul EM et al. Page 548 publishers Difa Publizer). So understanding the beads are the means used to represent multiples of a number. For example beads red to represent multiples of a number. The beads are colored blue to represent multiples of a number of others.
According to the bell (1978: 97) active learning of mathematics shows how important an understanding of teachers about the theories relating to how students learn and mengamplikasikan theory in the classroom. Teachers should be able to use exactly the benefits of each other learn the theory of complementarity.
Peaget states that a child at the age of primary school education (SD) are on concrete operational phase. Because the material is generally a math or abstract event, so that the teaching of mathematics in primary schools carried out through concrete examples (Singgih D. Gunarso, 1997).
The learning process is to use the media or any form prop, will provide a rich learning experience to students, to motivate students with active learning, creative and fun so that the process as well as student learning outcomes become more optimal.


1. Location: SD N 2 Selomerto, Selomerto District,
Wonosobo District
2. Class: IV (four)
3. Eyes Lessons: Mathematics
4. Left: a. Cycle I: Tuesday, July 28, 2009
b. Cycle II: Monday, August 3, 2009
5. Characteristics of Students:
In general, elementary students 2nd grade IV Selomerto aged between 8-11 years old, came from families of workers and peasants are less concerned with education.

B. PERSIKLUS description
The steps taken in improving mathematics learning method is as follows:
1. Learning during the repair process is carried out through 70 minutes tidakan planning, implementation, observation, and reflection as the problem.
2. Problems that will be corrected ie how to improve students' understanding of the material for the Commission two numbers.
Based on the above efforts to restore the plan drawn up which is learning the business before learning improvement. Learning improvements implemented 2 cycles.
In cycle I include
a. Planner's
After analyzing the problem in early learning and find the factors that caused the failure process and results in student learning materials for the Commission of two numbers, the authors conduct a discussion with colleagues to discover the possibility - the possibility of corrective action learning. Include:
 Develop a Learning Improvement Plan (RPP)
 Preparing the props
b. Implementation
Implementation of the learning took place following the steps in the RPP.
1. Initial activities (5 minutes)
a. teachers motivate students to be ready to learn
b. teachers held a question and answer for the lift back on a multiple of a number
c. teachers deliver learning objectives
d. teachers provide props
2. Core activities (40 minutes)
a. teachers write the material before writing
b. Students demonstrate how to determine the Commission of the two numbers through the following activities. By using visual aids colored beads
 4 students (A, B, C, D) advanced to the fore class
 By using the display media teachers,
Student A integer multiples of the first set (using the beads of green color)
Student B to determine the number of multiples of two (using the beads red color)
C Students determine the multiple of the fellowship (number who got a two-color beads)
Student D determines the Commission
 Students work on worksheets
3. Activities end (20 minutes)
 Students doing about formative tests
 Students with teacher summarizes the lesson materials
 Giving homework
4. Follow-up (5 minutes)
 For students who score <70 br="" given="" improvement="" were=""> For students who score ≥ 70 were given enrichment
c. Observations and Experiences
Based on observations by questions and discussion with colleagues on teachers as researchers and students, focused observation on student activities and effectiveness of visual aids colored beads the result was not satisfactory and not in accordance with what was expected 19 of 36 new students to reach standards exhaustiveness . Meanwhile, 17 students have not reached completeness.
d. Refeksi
From the results of observations during the learning improvement activities, obtained the following conclusions.
1. Learning becomes more interesting
2. Granular beads are too small, need precision, so that the value of not yet optimal.
Then a reflection of research, I found the cycle the result is not satisfactory, is less focused on student learning. So the authors discuss with colleagues in determining the alternative action to make amends learning cycle II.

In the implementation of the learning cycle II is a continuation of the cycle I as for the stages are as follows:
1. Plan
Based on the results of reflection on learning improvement in cycle I, and the results of discussions with peers, authors planned as follows:
 Develop a second RPP
 Increasing number table a more enlarged
2. Implementation
Implementation of improved teaching elementary school math class IV 2 Selomerto of the Commission of two numbers with the media colored beads in accordance with the cycle of learning improvement plan II. The author developed a model of discovery learning (learning discivery) in small groups / pairs to deskusi Worksheet menyelasaikan (LK).
The learning steps are as follows:
a. Initial activity (5 minutes)
 Teachers held back apersepsi by asking about the multiples of a number
 Teachers communicate learning goals
 Teachers prepare props
b. Core activities (45 minutes)
 Writing dipapan written material
 Considering the back of the multiples of a number
 Students paired discussion with visual aids colored beads
 Students work on worksheets
c. End Activity (20 minutes)
 Students create a summary of the material
 Students doing formative tests using colored beads
 Provision chores / homework
d. Follow-up
 For students who score <70 br="" given="" improvements="" is=""> For students who score ≥ 70 are given enrichment
3. Observation / Observation
Observations were made using a sheet colleagues observed improvement of the learning activities of researchers, as well as to engage students actively and directly in building the knowledge of the concepts for the Commission of two numbers by using colored beads. Fun learning process that eventually will provide new opportunities for the students to discover new ideas about teaching materials.
Effective learning proven by the test results are satisfactory learners as expected.
4. Reflection
From various sources of data obtained include observations of learning and formative test scores, obtained at the conclusion of learning improvement cycle II is working well and quite satisfactory. Decisions discussions with peers and principals, activities for improvement of learning has been successfully stopped, with grades attached.


A. Descriptions PER CYCLE
Based on our research of learning improvement Elementary 2 class IV Selomerto, Selomerto district, Wonosobo regency of seeking the Commission of two numbers performed 2 cycles, the writer as a researcher with colleagues received the data as follows.
1. Cycle 1
a. Plan
RPP as a design to implement the improvements focused on media use colored beads, it has not worked because of the 36 students, only 19 students who made it to the value of 70 which means  new 52.77% of students who reach the exhaustiveness.
b. Implementation
Use colored beads to explain how to find the Commission of the two numbers do not achieve optimal results. This is caused by the shape of the beads that are too small and need accuracy and carefulness. The results of formative tests received grades of students who do not meet the standards of learning conditions (analysis of the value attached).
c. Observations
Implementation of improvements in observational study conducted colleagues with research and analysis obtained the following results.
1. Students who receive grades according to the criteria of completeness there are 19 of the 34 students or only 52.77%. While students who have not reached the 17 students studying completeness or 47.22%.
2. There is increasing grades when compared with values obtained in earlier studies.

d. Reflection
From the acquisition value of the test data and results of formative peer observation can be concluded that the improvement of learning in the cycle I have not succeeded, then the author with the help of peers to determine learning improvement plan to cycle II.

2. Cycle II
a. Plan
Formulation II RPP cycle, determine the learning process improvement initially with small beads, converted with beads greater. To the writer seeking a medium-colored beads larger by making your own from cardboard.
b. Implementation
In the implementation of the improvement of mathematics learning cycle II through the learning improvement plan has been designed with innovations to more effective learning, and has discussed with colleagues as studied. Based on the analysis results on the value of learning improvement cycle II obtained encouraging results. In the repair process of learning to use props beads larger so excite students to follow the learning process from start to finish to make the process of seeking the Commission membangunan concept of the two numbers become more meaningful. Proven results over the evaluation after learning that reaches a minimum value of completeness criteria there are 33 students grades  70, which means 91.66%, has reached the value of exhaustiveness.
c. Observations
Observations on the cycle II with perbelajaran display colored beads proved to improve student learning outcomes. Of class IV students as much as 36 students can be improved results, the cycle I just 52.77% to 91.66% in cycle II. Some students who do not achieve exhaustiveness is because students learn to slow learners, these students are Dwi Nur Arifin, Weni Hayana Nur, Mohammed Fadri.
d. Refeksi
From the results pengatan peers and supporting data available, the author pengadakan discussions with friends and colleagues agreed that the research dipokok learners improved enough and can be stopped.

Improvement of learning mathematics with basic competence for the Commission of two elementary school class IV in 2 Selomerto conducted 2 cycles following activities:
1. Cycle I
In cycle I emphasizing on the improvement of learning increases students' understanding by using colored beads in the search for the Commission of the two numbers.
In the research process in a variety of factors
a) Figure-colored beads attract enough students for interesting shapes and colors.
b) The demonstration of teachers with the use of bead media to make the concept is explained quite clearly that for some students.
c) The form of the beads that are too small to make the difficulties students
d) The results of formative tests have not reached the final stage because of the 35 students only 19 students who made it to the value  70. So the new completeness level reached 52.77%.
In general, the process of reconciliation in the cycle I go according to plan even after repair facts / facts research has yet to show maximum results both in the process and results perbikan. Therefore, research on improving the learning dilanjutklan cycle II.
2. Cycle II
Implementation of the learning improvement that have been planned earlier in the cycle II math in elementary school Fourth grade 2 Selomerto implemented according to plan learning scenarios. The results obtained from the end of the lesson after a final test of learning was satisfied with the improvement results achieved already a lot of standard completeness. Media use colored beads to stimulate students to learn. Learners are given the opportunity to discover and develop the concept of seeking the Commission of the two numbers, so the concept is embedded in him well.
After the final test conducted study of the cycle I have only 19 students or 52.77% from 36 students to 33 students or 91.66% to reach level exhaustiveness.


Class Action Implementation Research through mathematical learning improvement activities of the Commission for the two numbers in grade IV Selomerto Elementary District Wonosobo regency Selomerto can be summarized as follows.
1. The use of props colored beads according to instill in students an understanding for the Commission of two numbers.
2. Learning becomes more bervariatif, fun and meaningful, because in this way students can find their own concepts learned.
3. Through manipulating the activities of colored beads student evaluation results can be improved.

To instill the concept of looking for the Commission of two numbers in order to process and learning outcomes can be optimized, especially in mathematics author gives the following advice:
1. Selection tool pegaraga / learning media should be tailored to the learning material and the number of students in the classroom.
2. Provide opportunities for students to develop their own concepts
3. Keep in collaboration with colleagues in an effort to improve student learning outcomes.


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Suharjono (1997). Guidelines for Preparing Scientific Essay in the Field of Education and Professional Development Credit Score Teacher. MOEC. Jakarta

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Improving the quality of learning processes in plant growth through the practice of planting seeds of plants in SD Negeri 1 Krinjing

Improving the quality of learning processes in plant growth through the practice of planting seeds of plants in SD Negeri 1 Krinjing

B. FIELD OF STUDY: Design and Learning Strategies

Quality of learning in class II, 1 SD Krinjing school year 2009 / 2010 on the concept of the plant growth process, not as expected. This is indicated by the average value of mid term results of less than 63, below the value of exhaustiveness Belajara Minimum Standards (SKBM). Also in classroom learning situations passive and less passionate following of students learning process. From the results of discussions between the principal and teachers, this condition is caused by the selected learning strategy is not just teachers, because they lack time, money and energy; teachers choose to use practical methods to plant seeds. Meanwhile, the school environment is actually a source of learning that can be used as a field population and school gardens.

To overcome these problems, efforts should be made design improvements and learning strategies that teachers can improve the quality of learning, by trying to apply the learning process in plant growth. This effort is also to support the implementation of the curriculum KTSP 2007 / 2008 is thematic.

D. Formulation and RESOLUTION
1. Problem Definition
Based on the above, can be formulated: What is the application of practical learning model plant to plant seeds can improve the quality of the learning concepts in plant growth processes.
2. Problems Solving
To solve these problems, the steps performed in accordance with the steps (syntax) practice model plant to plant seeds
a. Teachers share with the group of 5 or 6 students who are academically heterogeneous, then give problems associated with the concept of plant growth processes
b. Students in groups to design activities to solve problems in the form of student activity sheet (BLM)
c. Students make observations on the growth process in plants
d. Students and teachers to evaluate the working group as a whole class, penilian groups and individual assessment.
3. Indicators of success measures
Implementation of this group investigation model told to succeed if the standard of competence expected at the end of cycle indicator is achieved as follows:
a. When students reach the exhaustiveness cognitively individual learning> 65%, and a group of> 85% of students have achieved learning exhaustiveness.
b. From askpek effective> 80% of students can work together in the activities of field observations and respect attitudes and opinions of others in discussing the problem.
c. Psychomotor aspects of> 80% of students gain skills to observe, making reports, and is active in the field observation activities.

This research aims to improve the quality of the learning process of growth in plants Krinjing Elementary School 1.

The results of this study is expected to provide benefits to the following parties:
1. Students, in order to achieve basic competency with indiktor-indicator, increased activity in the learning process, enhance cooperation, develop creativity and able to express his opinion.
2. Teachers, will be able to add variety of learning strategies, and implement the learning process in accordance with the curriculum
3. School, will be able to provide a very significant contribution to developing infrastructure and learning innovations SCIENCE particular, and for other subjects in general.

In the view Jonhn Dewey (1917), Herbert Thelen (1960) and joyce weil (1986) in winataputra (1994), education in a democratic society, should teach the process of direct democracy. Therefore, education for students at least should be organized in a way to do research together, or "cooperative inquiry". This model has been used in various fields of study for different age levels.
Learning model is a conceptual framework that describes the systematic procedure of organizing learning experiences to achieve specific learning objectives. The function of the learning model is as a guide for teachers to plan learning activities.
Basically, the investment model is designed to guide students definite problem, herd relevant data, develop and test hypotheses. Within this framework, teachers are required to organize the learning process through group work and direct help students find information and manage the various interactions and learning activities.
In the model there are three groups investigating the main concepts of research or inquiry, knowledge (knowledge) and learning group dynamics (the dynamics of the learning group). In this research process is stimulated student learning by expecting the problem, so it will be a reaction to solve the problem.
Syntax or stages of investigation model there are five groups:
1. Students face a problematic sistuasi
2. Students conduct explorations in response to the problematic sistuasi.
3. Students formulate learning tasks and organize to build a research.
4. Students' individual learning activities
5. Students analyze the progress and the process undertaken in the research process.
Management principles that apply in class group work model, the teacher serves as more motivation motivator, innovator and provider bersabat criticism. In this case the teacher should guide and reflect the group through three stages as follows:
1. Problem-solving stage, It deals with the process of answering the question what is the problem, and what factors matter.
2. Classroom management stage, regarding the process of answering the question, what information is needed and how to organize groups to obtain information
3. Individual interpretation stage, related to how the group made the conclusion to live.
Based on theoretical studies of the above findings, the hypothesis of this research action is to apply the investigative group, the learning-quality group of plant growth processes in Krinjing Elementary School will increase.
1. Subject Research
The study was conducted in primary 1 class II Krinjing in student abilities and activities in the learning process less.
2. Process Research
This classroom action research consisted of 2 cycles, each cycle consisting of the planning, implementation of action observation and reflection
a. Planning
1. Preparation of a learning tool in the learning scenario the learning plan with measures such as in solving the problem.
2. Creating worksheets (by the students are evaluated by the teacher) observation sheet for observation and discussion activities to gauge students' psychomotor aspects.
3. Develop questionnaire, to determine students' affective aspects of learning activities (by teachers).
4. Develop an evaluation tool of test items to measure cognitive aspects of students (by teachers).
b. Implementation action
To make it easier to understand the actions of each cycle, arranged in tabular form as follows:

c. Observations
Observing the implementation of actions by using pieces of the observation in the activities and discussions. Amatanya object is as follows:
1) Activities of students in a passive activity and experience negative
2) student activity in the discussion positive and negative

Readmore → Improving the quality of learning processes in plant growth through the practice of planting seeds of plants in SD Negeri 1 Krinjing



By Hadi Setyo Nugroho


The study entitled "Impact of Communication, Classroom Management and Process Learning To Study Mathematics Achievement, Student Case Study In Class VII Semester Lesson 2 Year 2008 / 2009 SMP Negeri 2 Selomerto".
The purpose of this study are: (1) Determine the influence of communication, pengelolan class and the learning process and partially together to learn mathematics achievement, and (2) Determine which variables provide the most significant influence on mathematics learning achievements, learning processes among the variables, communication and classroom management.
Research carried out in SMP Negeri 2 Selomerto, in May 2009 to June 2009, with a descriptive analysis of research methods that are korelasional. While data retrieval using a questionnaire research instruments.
Based on statistical analysis of the results obtained conclusions: (1) communication, classroom management and learning processes, partially and jointly have a significant impact on mathematics learning achievement, and (2) The learning process provides the most significant influence on mathematics learning achievement.
Based on these conclusions, it is suggested: the teachers at Junior High School 2 Selomerto expected to enhance learning skills, communication and classroom management with emphasis on the learning process variable, because the three variables proved to have a significant impact on improving learning achievement mathematics Junior High School 2 Selomerto.

Keywords: Communication, Classroom Management and Process Learning


Problem Background
National Education Goals by Act No. 20 of 2003, the National Education System states that: The National Education functions to develop the ability to form character and civilization of a nation with dignity in the context of the intellectual life of the nation, aims to develop learners' potential to become a man of faith and devoted to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, competent, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible. The national education goals set forth and described in the curriculum. While the curriculum as something planned to hold in the education process, always dynamic and constantly influenced by changes in the factors underlying it. Changes in society, science exploration pegetahuan and others require a change in the curriculum. Changes in curriculum, which often means changing the people that helped teachers, educational supervisors and those who care for education, intended to achieve improvements.
Curriculum change efforts that have been made by the Ministry of National Education has not produced the expected results, namely increasing student achievement, especially in mathematics. It can be seen from the conditions studied mathematics achievement in Junior High School 2 Selomerto the 2008/2009 school year's first semester average is 58.6 (still below the average value of science subjects is 66.4).
In addition, because of the students, the low value of mathematics is also caused by some external factors, such as the ability of teachers to teach low and teacher training system is so far not succeeded in improving the performance of teachers to improve teaching and learning activities that can enhance students' learning achievement (Subijanto, 2005). Communication between teachers and students at Junior High School 2 looks Selomerto separating distance between teachers and students, this can be seen from the percentage of students who want to ask when teaching and learning activities are still small, especially in math. In addition the use of learning models in Junior High School 2 Selomerto not conducted properly, usually teachers implement a model of learning or using props only when supervised by the principal. Teachers are figures whose existence can not be replaced by the media or any learning facility. The presence of teachers are still needed, the presence of the teacher as a figure standing in front of the class being reached at any time can not be replaced by any sophisticated learning media. Teachers should maintain direct learning in front of students. Therefore, whatever the reason teachers have to teach directly in front of students to set learning goals can be achieved. Optimal learning process is expected to provide minimal services provided by teachers to students who will berimplementasi on student learning achievement.
Along with the development, the impact on learning curriculum change, the quality of learning should always be improved. The situation could be initiated by improving the competence of teachers, both in presenting the material, using methods and techniques appropriate teaching, learning and using the media needs of the students. Professional teachers is actually able to deliver learning materials are appropriate to the learning needs of learners. However, to reach toward the need of practice, mastery and insight in learning, including one using models and appropriate learning methods. In mathematics, teachers do not simply focus only on one model and specific methods. Teachers should try to apply the various models and methods in accordance with the demands of learning materials, including the implementation of cooperative learning model with group learning methods. Selection models and the appropriate methods will be able to improve the achievement of learning outcomes as expected.
In this study wanted to uncover the problems with limiting the influence of the learning process, communication and classroom management of students' learning achievement in mathematics. The motivation of this research is to contribute in the form of alternative solutions or solving problems at least reduce the problem.

Problem formulation
Based on the background described above, the formulation of the problem is:
1. Is variable communication, classroom management and learning processes have a significant impact either partially or jointly to study mathematics achievement?
2. Which variables are most influential on learning achievement mathematics subjects, among the variables communication, classroom management and learning process?

Objectives and Benefits Research
The purpose of this study are:
1. To determine the effect of communication variables, classroom management, and the learning process either partially or jointly to study mathematics achievement.
2. To determine which variables most affect the learning achievements of mathematics subjects, among the variables communication, classroom management and learning process. Benefits Research
While the benefits of this research are:
1. With the influence of communication, classroom management and learning with learning achievement mathematics, then making decisions about improving math learning achievement can be implemented.
2. As a reference for research, especially in connection with this research, and development of human resource management in the future.
3. As consideration for the principal achievements in enhancing mathematics learning in the future.
Literature review

Theoretical Basis
1. Student Achievement
The experts argue about the study among the Hogard and Rowakhidah Bower (2004: 4) says that learning is associated with behavior change for something specific situation caused by the experience again and again in that situation, which changes this behavior can not be explained on the basis of one's innate response tendencies (eg fatigue, the influence of drugs and so on). Meanwhile, according to T. Raka Joni in Rowakhidah (2004), said that learning is a change in behavior, as a result of the experience except for changes in behavior caused by the process of becoming a mature person or intruktif changes or temporary nature.
The learning process that took place in schools is closely related to work performance to be achieved student, a student will succeed in learning can be seen on the achievement in school. The notion of learning achievements expressed from MOEC (1984: 20) is the level of student success in learning the material learned in school that is expressed in scores obtained from the test results.
Can be concluded that school performance is the actual ability of individuals obtained from the activities of teaching and learning process with specific criteria and the research process within a period (quarterly, quarterly, semester or year).
Several factors influence students' learning achievement in schools, among others described by MKDK Development Team (1990: 149), namely:
a. Internal factors ie factors arising from the child himself as the physiological condition of the general physiological conditions, the condition of sensory and psychological conditions of intelligence (IQ), talent interest motivation, emotions, cognitive abilities.
b. External factors are factors that come from outside of the child such as the environment of the natural environment, social environment, and instruments of curriculum, programs, facilities and teachers / teachers.
While MOEC (1984: 23) suggests that the result or achievement that is not production, talent or intelligence, but the scatter of previous education and training. Talent or intelligence is only one variable that can only zoom in and also minimize the results of actions that achievement. In other words, results or performance to learn someone is a learning experience that is supported by the talent and intelligence.
From some experts think it could be concluded that the factors affecting students' learning achievement can come from within the students also come from other students. Therefore, overall from these factors affect each other in the development of students' learning achievement in schools, such as children living in a particular social. Therefore, children can be influenced by others and can be educated. Children may not develop by itself without help from the social environment (parents, educational institutions and others). Therefore, everything is attached to the self and children, had ties with the social environment.
Many of the facts reveals that students' learning achievement in mathematics is still very low. It is no denying the opinion that mathematics is difficult, boring, uninteresting be heard at the mouth to mouth. The result, until now math is still a frightening specter for many students when compared with the least number of students can enjoy learning math fun. This fact affects student achievement in mathematics.
Student learning achievement gained from the assessment process is an integral part of teaching. This assessment was carried out by teachers as a means to explore the extent to which knowledge about the things that have been learned has been formed in the brains of students. To be able to find out students' understanding can be done in several ways:
1. Assessment (assessment) conducted in a variety of techniques, such as written tests, oral questions, listening, observation of practical work, examination of student writing.
2. Assessment of knowledge covering all stages of the formation of concepts and principles, smoothness of operation / work (skills), skills in the context of applying the concepts and creativity to solve problems and investigations.
3. Assessment must occur during learning. When the teacher explained the facts / concepts, teachers should be punctuated with questions. (Soleh, 1998: 26).
While studying mathematics achievement assessments according to Maier (1995) is a statement about the knowledge and skills in the context of students learning mathematics. This assessment consists of assessment of school work and test work and written examinations, assessment and school achievement test or an oral performance establishment.
In this study, students' learning achievement in mathematics obtained through written tests, which test problem created by researchers and covers some basic material in semester 2 of the set of materials and material lines and corners.
2. Competence
According to John Stevenson in Subijanto (2005) on the article
"Competency Based Training in Australia's Analysis of Assumptions" from The National Training Board stated that "Competence comprises the specification of knowledge and skills and the application of that knowledge and skills of ocupation or withim industry level to the standard of performance required in employment ".

The statement implies that competence consists of knowledge and skills that are spisifik standards and applied in accordance with job requirements found.
According to the formulation of Reference Competency Standards (MPKN, 1998) defines the general competence as the ability to do a task and is supported by work attitudes. In other words, to be able to perform tasks well and correctly, one teacher is required to have:
a. Knowledge about the tasks performed / diembannya and how to do the job.
b. Skills needed to perform the task.
c. Work attitudes necessary to be able to do tasks well and correctly.
d. Enough physical power.

Based on the above terms and in accordance with the background issues, formulation of problems, objectives and theoretical basis, the hypothesis proposed in this study are as follows:
1. It is suspected that the variables communication, classroom management and learning process is partially or jointly have a positive impact on learning achievement in mathematics.
2. It is suspected that the learning process variable has the most significant effect compared to the two other factors to pertasi learn mathematics.

Research Methods
1. Study Site
This research was conducted at the Junior High School 2 Selomerto Wonosobo regency of Central Java Province.
2. Target Research
Research target is the student 2 Junior High School VII Selomerto lessons in 2008 / 2009.
3. Research Type
This study is a survey research, the information collected from respondents by using questionnaires, and surveys are generally limited to understanding the sense in which a sample survey collected information from some of the population to represent the entire population (Singarimbun Masri, 1995: 8).
4. Time Research
The study was conducted 2 (two months, starting in April-May 2009).
5. Data Collection Techniques
Data taken in this study form the primary data, ie data about three free variables in this study, the variable learning process, communication and classroom management, obtained from the respondents through the questionnaire method.

Sampling Method
1. Population
Population is the entire subject of research (Arikunto, 1996). Population in this research are all Seventh graders Selomerto Junior High School in the year 2 class 2008 / 2009 which amounted to 276 children who are grouped into 7 classes, namely class VII A total of 39 children, VII B of 40 children, Seventh C as many as 38 children, Seventh D as many as 38 children VII E of 40 children, VII F of 40 children and as many as 41 G VII children.
2. Sample
The sample is part of the whole population of individuals investigated (Sutrisno Hadi, 1986). On the basis of the factor of time, effort and cost, the sample was taken with cluster random sampling technique. In this study sample is drawn from a population of 3 classes, namely randomly drawn class A, C and D are numbered 120 students. Champion (1981) says that most statistical tests always include a sample size recommendations. In other words, statistical tests are most effective when applied to the sample numbers 30 s / d from 60 or 120 s / d 250.

Analysis Method
1. Measurement Variables
Measurement of communication variables, classroom management and learning process is done using Ordinal Scale derived from Likert scale model. This scale is used to measure attitudes, opinions and accomplishments a person or a group of people about social phenomena (Riduan in Sutrisno, 2005).
The criteria used are as follows:
a. Positive questionnaire, the answer is very often = 5, often = 4, sometimes = 3, never = 4, and never = 1
b. Negative questionnaire, the answer is very often = 1, often = 2, sometimes = 3, never = 4, and never = 5
Scores obtained from the answers to the Checklist, a list of subjects and aspects of the observed (Riduan in Sutrisno, 2005). Each question is summed to obtain composite scores. Nalai total for each response is calculated for each respondent.
As for the variables studied mathematics achievement as measured by math mengeteskan few respondents with a set of material and the parallel lines.
2. Istrumen Testing Research
a. Validity test
b. Test Reliability
c. Increased ordinal data into interval

Based on the results and discussion that has been done, can be concluded as follows:
1. Communication variables (X1), the management class (X2) and the learning process (X3) either partially or jointly have a significant impact on learning achievement metematika (Y). This conclusion shows that to improve math learning achievement can be done by increasing teachers' skills in, communication, classroom management and learning process.
2. Learning variables (X3) provides the most significant influence on mathematics learning achievement (Y). Therefore metematika good school performance, it is necessary to improve teachers' skills, especially in learning the skills of factors, in addition to skills in communication and classroom management.

The teachers at Junior High School 2 Selomerto expected to increase capacity in the process of learning, communication and classroom management with emphasis on the learning process variables, because they proved to three variables have a significant impact on improving learning achievement in mathematics. Thus to improve math learning achievement, it should be emphasized on improving teachers' skills in communication, classroom management, and especially in the learning process.
Activities to improve teachers' skills can be done by involving teachers in training mathematics teachers held either at the school level, MGMP District as well as in regional or national level.
Improving school performance is influenced by the mathematical learning process can be done by increasing the hours of lessons that teach skills and better training of mathematics teacher-training organized by the agencies related to education. While communication is a math teacher in the learning process needs to be addressed by efforts through personal approach to the students and teachers to change his appearance into a friendly and outgoing so popular that students enjoyed math the students become. Classroom management skills need to be improved in a way to discipline students according to school rules that apply and implement reward and punishment system on students in class, when the learning process is in progress.

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