Class Action Research: Improving the language skills THROUGH CHILD ORAL METHOD telling IN GROUP B Kindergarten Aisyiyah WONOSOBO VII SUB DISTRIC


Oral language skills in kindergarten class B Purnamandala Aisyiyah VII is still low, only 40% of students who have high oral language skills. This study generally aims to improve the oral language, especially knowing how much the oral language skills through the application / use of methods to tell. Formulation of the problem in this study how to improve the oral language skills through the application / use of the method in kindergarten told Aisyiyah Purnamandala VII.
The study was conducted in Kindergarten Class B Aisyiyah Wonosobo District VII Purnamandala Lessons Year 2009 / 2010. Subject of research students comprised 23 male and 13 female children 10 children. Research carried out for 2 (two) cycles with common procedures include stage 1) Planning is to plan what to do, 2) Acting yitu implement action plans, 3) Observation of observation and oral language skills, 4) Reflecting the strength analysis and weakness improved learning. This research data is the data on oral language skills of the students, data acquisition instruments to sheet observation and data collection techniques through observation. Techniques of data analysis using descriptive method of comparing pre kompartif cycle and between cycles.
Based on the data analysis results obtained in pre-cycle: an oral proficiency category 10 high students, 8 students and 5 categories were students low category. I cycle oral language skills of the students 14 high category 5 students and 4 categories were students low category.
Based on the results of data analysis and discussion of research results, it can be concluded that the application / use of methods, telling can increase oral language skills. In addition there is a perception that dn significant impression terahadap students applying / using the method of storytelling. In addition schools, policy makers, other researchers can use as study materials to develop further research on the improvement of learning in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning poses.

KEY WORDS: oral language ability, lecture method.

Kindergarten Aisyiyah Purnamandala VII Housing Purnamandala located in Block M-15 Sub-District Bumireso Wonosobo, a kindergarten in the district's youngest Aisyiyah. Wonosobo because only established in 2007. Though still new kindergarten Purnamandala Aisyiyah VII has the facilities and infrastructure, adequate learning facilities, physical and environmental conditions are conducive, even early in the establishment has its own building with the game that is wide enough. Board and community support continue to flow in the form of ideas, funding and other support in order to realize the vision and mission of the school.
However, when seen from the results of the students have learned as a teacher expectations and parent education as a user based on the observation and reflection there are some problems that occur in kindergarten Aisyiyah Purnamandala VII, that is the children who do not understand the concept of numbers, the children who have not understand the letter, the children who can not socialize with peers and low ability students in oral language. If this problem is not immediately mandapat solution will be hard to learn the results of students achieving a satisfactory performance. Given Kindergarten education is called pre-school or formal early childhood. Asmawati Sumiarso, early childhood education is a fundamental form of education in the life of a child who was educated in this period is critical child survival itself is also for a nation. Therefore, early childhood is an asset and investment for the future of a nation. The Indonesian people, twenty-five years into the future is very dependent on the children who have early childhood today. We can not deny that early childhood education deserves serious attention from all parties both, governments, communities and other parties concerned and having concern for human resource development in the future. Therefore, policy and technical standardization of education for young children need to be made and arranged with careful thought and thorough.
Begins with the identification of issues and mengertian on the basis of analysis capability and the existing carrying capacity so the immediate problem is the lack of a solution of oral language skills. Considering the oral language skills is very important to be developed. Age 3-4 years, until nearly 12 years, is a good time for children to master a second language fluently and in accordance with a native speaker. (Ladefoged, 1969 and Flege 1981 in bredekamp, 1996).
The fact that happened in kindergarten Aisyiyah VII Purnamandala play and learning patterns began to fade. Community, parents, schools and even primary schools as the user understanding of education in kindergarten begin to shift. Ironically educational assessment Kindergarten say if the out put quality students are able to have the competence to count, read and write fluently strangely again, there is an elementary school imposed new prospective students by testing the ability to count, read and write high level regardless of the characteristics development of students aged 5-7 years.
Along with changes in curriculum, competency-based curriculum that emphasizes meaningful learning, ie, the approach konstekstual or Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) which is a conception helps teachers relate subject matter content to real world situations and encourage students linking between knowledge and its application in the lives of children students (Mulyasa E., 2004: 4). To determine the increase oral language skills of the students towards the development of motor, then the necessary classroom action research through the application / use of methods to tell. By doing this research is expected to overcome the problem of low oral language skills of the students and to contribute to our students thereby increasing competence.

Problem formulation
On the basis of background and identifying the above issues, the formulation of improved learning through this class action as follows:
1. How to improve oral language skills through the application / use of methods to tell in kindergarten?
2. How students activities on the implementation / use of methods to tell in kindergarten?

Research Objectives
This study generally aims to improve oral language skills, specifically berkaikan learning through classroom action research was to:
1. Knowing how much the oral proficiency Aisyiyah kindergarten students through the application of Pernamandala VII / use of methods to tell.
2. Conclude the activities on the implementation of students with learning menerapan / user of the method of storytelling.

Benefits Research
Good research must bear a benefit, no matter whether the benefits produced by the benefits of short-term practical and theoretical or benefits and can only be seen mujudnya distant future. Similarly, studies of this learning improvement, after applying the / tell usage activity, is generally expected to be useful for:
a. Educate Children
Benefits of learning improvement through research of this class action, the benefits for their students improve oral language skills.
b. Teacher
Benefits of learning improvement through research of this class action, the benefits for teachers, namely:
1. Improving the performance of teachers in the improvement of learning to improve oral language skills.
2. Teachers can grow professionally as it can show that he was able to assess and improve the managed learning
3. Teachers are more confident, if PTK can make teachers develop as a professional worker, then as Consequently, PTK is also able to make teachers more confident.
4. Teachers have the opportunity to actively develop their own knowledge and skills.
c. School
Benefits of learning improvement through research of this class action, the benefits for schools, namely:
1. Improving the quality of education for students
2. A positive contribution to the progress of the school, which is reflected from the professional capacity of teachers, improving processes and student learning outcomes, and conducive climate in the school education.
3. A good contribution in improving the learning process for all subjects.
d. Education
Benefits of learning improvement through research of this class action, the benefits for education, namely:
1. Provide the basis and arguments for policies to be taken to improve education quality
2. For study materials to develop further research on the improvement of learning in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning process.


Theory Framework
1. Oral Language Ability
Competence standards of early childhood is a standard capability 0-6 years old children based on child development. These competency standards are used as a reference in developing early childhood curriculum consists of the development aspects as follows: a) Moral, religious values, social, emotional and self-reliance, b) language, c). cognitive, d) physical / motor, and e) the arts. In this study aspects that will be used to improve aspects of language learning is.
In the basic framework of the curriculum in 2004, mentions the notion of ability or competence is the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values embodied in the habit of thinking and acting (MONE, 2004: 2). Competencies can be identified through a number of learning outcomes and indicators that can be measured and observed, the capacity can be achieved through learning experiences associated with study materials and teaching materials are konstekstual. Sense of competence according to E. Mulyasa, states that competence is a combination of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes reflected in the habit of thinking and acting (Mulyasa E., 2002: 37).
Understanding speech quoted from Klopedia ensi-free (July 23, 2009) Oral language is a unique form of communication found in humans who use words derived from the vocabulary.
In a large Indonesian dictionary oral language as the language of conversation.

2. Storytelling Method
Understanding of the methods cited Winda told Gunarti (2008: 5.3). Storytelling is an activity carried out by someone to convey a message, information or a fairy tales, which can be done orally or in writing. The way that storytelling can be done by using props or without props.
According to Zainal Fanani RUA (2007) suggests that tells / storytelling is the method of universal communication that is very influential to the human soul. Through the stories / good stories, real children are not only fun or entertainment, but an education is much broader, not even an exaggeration to say that the story was touching various aspects of personality formation of children. Story factually very closely related with the formation of character, not only of individual human character, but also the human characters in a nation. No wonder many experts stating that the cultural values of identity, character and personality of a nation can be seen from the story. The story of the people who live in the nation. If so, clearly told that is not a simple result. The story is very big impact in the long run, to the extent said to be the dominant factor for the building of human character in a nation.
3. Educate Children
In a large dictionary Indonesian students was a person who cared for others.

Hypothesis Action
On the basis of the above theoretical framework, then the corrective action hipotensis learning through action research of this class are:
1. Application / use can increase the oral language skills.
2. There are activities students significantly to the implementation / use of methods to tell.
Success Criteria
Indicators used to measure the success of oral language skills is the ability of the students in 1) Listening / listen to stories, 2) Answering questions about the story that has been presented, 3) Provide comments on the opinion about the problems that arise in these stories, 4) Naming and tell the difference of two objects, 5) Talking about the pictures that you have created yourself, 6) Ordering and tell the contents of the image series. 7) Try and tell me what happens if the objects included in the water 8) Telling the experience / event is simply a sequence. 9) Storytelling using pronouns I, me 10) Listen to and retell stories in sequence with the criteria of high-scoring 75-85, the score was 60-74 and 50-64 scores low. After the implementation of learning improvement was done in 2 cycles, then the indicators of success as follows:
1. Improvements learning oral language skills revealed successful if 75% of the students have a high oral language skills.
2. Activities of students toward implementation / use of the method of telling declared successful, if 75% of the students expressed a high / good.


Subject Research
1. Subject improvement through action research study of this class is the group B students kindergarten Aisyiyah Purnamandala VII, with the number of 23 students, consisting of 10 female and 13 male students and the characteristics and potential ability heterogeneous.
2. Setting Research
Setting the improvement of learning through action research on basic skills classes conducted in kindergarten language Aisyiyah Purnamandala VII, Wonosobo district, Wonosobo regency. TK Aisyiyah Purnamandala VII is where researchers carry out teaching duties so as not to disrupt teaching and learning activities.
3. Time Research
This research was conducted for 2 cycles, as follows:
Cycle I
a. Day / Date: Monday, October 5, s / d Friday,
Dated October 9, 2009
b. Basic capabilities: Language
c. Theme: my needs
Cycle II
a. Day / Date: Monday, October 12 s / d Friday, the date
October 16, 2009
b. Basic capabilities: Language
c. Theme: my needs


Descriptions Per Cycle
1. Cycle I
In this study the improvement wanted to know how much the oral language skills of the students and collecting data about the activities of the students improved the implementation of development activities by implementing / using the method of storytelling. Data analysis, this study used a score of observation and interpreted in a qualitative analysis of high, medium and low.
After the repair cycle development activities I obtained data on oral language skills are taken after a repair activities at the end of the development cycle. Instrument data sheets of observations of 10 aspects, namely: 1) Children looked cool listening / listening 2) Children are able to answer questions about the story that has been presented 3) Children may provide comments / opinions about the problems that arise in these stories. 4) Children can listen to listen and tell again the story in order. 5) Tell pengelaman / events simply by sequential 6) Storytelling using pronouns I, me. 7) Ordering and tell the contents of the image series 8) Talking about pictures disdiakan or homemade 9) Mmeabca picture-books that have simple sentences and tell the book by pointing out some familiar words. 10) Make a picture and tell the contents of the image with some graffiti / writing that has shaped.
The results of the observation sheet oral language skills obtained the following results: 10 highest score, lowest score of 4, 6.4 average score score 7 maih mode, there were 14 students (60%) who scored below average. If the data is interpreted in the category of high oral language skills, low medium and obtained the following results: oral proficiency scores 8-10 high category of oral proficiency score 4-7, and the category is oral language proficiency score of 1-3 lower category. From the above table the data obtained as follows: the cycle I: 7 oral proficiency students high category, 14 students and 2 categories were students low category.