By Hadi Setyo Nugroho


The study entitled "Impact of Communication, Classroom Management and Process Learning To Study Mathematics Achievement, Student Case Study In Class VII Semester Lesson 2 Year 2008 / 2009 SMP Negeri 2 Selomerto".
The purpose of this study are: (1) Determine the influence of communication, pengelolan class and the learning process and partially together to learn mathematics achievement, and (2) Determine which variables provide the most significant influence on mathematics learning achievements, learning processes among the variables, communication and classroom management.
Research carried out in SMP Negeri 2 Selomerto, in May 2009 to June 2009, with a descriptive analysis of research methods that are korelasional. While data retrieval using a questionnaire research instruments.
Based on statistical analysis of the results obtained conclusions: (1) communication, classroom management and learning processes, partially and jointly have a significant impact on mathematics learning achievement, and (2) The learning process provides the most significant influence on mathematics learning achievement.
Based on these conclusions, it is suggested: the teachers at Junior High School 2 Selomerto expected to enhance learning skills, communication and classroom management with emphasis on the learning process variable, because the three variables proved to have a significant impact on improving learning achievement mathematics Junior High School 2 Selomerto.

Keywords: Communication, Classroom Management and Process Learning


Problem Background
National Education Goals by Act No. 20 of 2003, the National Education System states that: The National Education functions to develop the ability to form character and civilization of a nation with dignity in the context of the intellectual life of the nation, aims to develop learners' potential to become a man of faith and devoted to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, competent, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible. The national education goals set forth and described in the curriculum. While the curriculum as something planned to hold in the education process, always dynamic and constantly influenced by changes in the factors underlying it. Changes in society, science exploration pegetahuan and others require a change in the curriculum. Changes in curriculum, which often means changing the people that helped teachers, educational supervisors and those who care for education, intended to achieve improvements.
Curriculum change efforts that have been made by the Ministry of National Education has not produced the expected results, namely increasing student achievement, especially in mathematics. It can be seen from the conditions studied mathematics achievement in Junior High School 2 Selomerto the 2008/2009 school year's first semester average is 58.6 (still below the average value of science subjects is 66.4).
In addition, because of the students, the low value of mathematics is also caused by some external factors, such as the ability of teachers to teach low and teacher training system is so far not succeeded in improving the performance of teachers to improve teaching and learning activities that can enhance students' learning achievement (Subijanto, 2005). Communication between teachers and students at Junior High School 2 looks Selomerto separating distance between teachers and students, this can be seen from the percentage of students who want to ask when teaching and learning activities are still small, especially in math. In addition the use of learning models in Junior High School 2 Selomerto not conducted properly, usually teachers implement a model of learning or using props only when supervised by the principal. Teachers are figures whose existence can not be replaced by the media or any learning facility. The presence of teachers are still needed, the presence of the teacher as a figure standing in front of the class being reached at any time can not be replaced by any sophisticated learning media. Teachers should maintain direct learning in front of students. Therefore, whatever the reason teachers have to teach directly in front of students to set learning goals can be achieved. Optimal learning process is expected to provide minimal services provided by teachers to students who will berimplementasi on student learning achievement.
Along with the development, the impact on learning curriculum change, the quality of learning should always be improved. The situation could be initiated by improving the competence of teachers, both in presenting the material, using methods and techniques appropriate teaching, learning and using the media needs of the students. Professional teachers is actually able to deliver learning materials are appropriate to the learning needs of learners. However, to reach toward the need of practice, mastery and insight in learning, including one using models and appropriate learning methods. In mathematics, teachers do not simply focus only on one model and specific methods. Teachers should try to apply the various models and methods in accordance with the demands of learning materials, including the implementation of cooperative learning model with group learning methods. Selection models and the appropriate methods will be able to improve the achievement of learning outcomes as expected.
In this study wanted to uncover the problems with limiting the influence of the learning process, communication and classroom management of students' learning achievement in mathematics. The motivation of this research is to contribute in the form of alternative solutions or solving problems at least reduce the problem.

Problem formulation
Based on the background described above, the formulation of the problem is:
1. Is variable communication, classroom management and learning processes have a significant impact either partially or jointly to study mathematics achievement?
2. Which variables are most influential on learning achievement mathematics subjects, among the variables communication, classroom management and learning process?

Objectives and Benefits Research
The purpose of this study are:
1. To determine the effect of communication variables, classroom management, and the learning process either partially or jointly to study mathematics achievement.
2. To determine which variables most affect the learning achievements of mathematics subjects, among the variables communication, classroom management and learning process. Benefits Research
While the benefits of this research are:
1. With the influence of communication, classroom management and learning with learning achievement mathematics, then making decisions about improving math learning achievement can be implemented.
2. As a reference for research, especially in connection with this research, and development of human resource management in the future.
3. As consideration for the principal achievements in enhancing mathematics learning in the future.
Literature review

Theoretical Basis
1. Student Achievement
The experts argue about the study among the Hogard and Rowakhidah Bower (2004: 4) says that learning is associated with behavior change for something specific situation caused by the experience again and again in that situation, which changes this behavior can not be explained on the basis of one's innate response tendencies (eg fatigue, the influence of drugs and so on). Meanwhile, according to T. Raka Joni in Rowakhidah (2004), said that learning is a change in behavior, as a result of the experience except for changes in behavior caused by the process of becoming a mature person or intruktif changes or temporary nature.
The learning process that took place in schools is closely related to work performance to be achieved student, a student will succeed in learning can be seen on the achievement in school. The notion of learning achievements expressed from MOEC (1984: 20) is the level of student success in learning the material learned in school that is expressed in scores obtained from the test results.
Can be concluded that school performance is the actual ability of individuals obtained from the activities of teaching and learning process with specific criteria and the research process within a period (quarterly, quarterly, semester or year).
Several factors influence students' learning achievement in schools, among others described by MKDK Development Team (1990: 149), namely:
a. Internal factors ie factors arising from the child himself as the physiological condition of the general physiological conditions, the condition of sensory and psychological conditions of intelligence (IQ), talent interest motivation, emotions, cognitive abilities.
b. External factors are factors that come from outside of the child such as the environment of the natural environment, social environment, and instruments of curriculum, programs, facilities and teachers / teachers.
While MOEC (1984: 23) suggests that the result or achievement that is not production, talent or intelligence, but the scatter of previous education and training. Talent or intelligence is only one variable that can only zoom in and also minimize the results of actions that achievement. In other words, results or performance to learn someone is a learning experience that is supported by the talent and intelligence.
From some experts think it could be concluded that the factors affecting students' learning achievement can come from within the students also come from other students. Therefore, overall from these factors affect each other in the development of students' learning achievement in schools, such as children living in a particular social. Therefore, children can be influenced by others and can be educated. Children may not develop by itself without help from the social environment (parents, educational institutions and others). Therefore, everything is attached to the self and children, had ties with the social environment.
Many of the facts reveals that students' learning achievement in mathematics is still very low. It is no denying the opinion that mathematics is difficult, boring, uninteresting be heard at the mouth to mouth. The result, until now math is still a frightening specter for many students when compared with the least number of students can enjoy learning math fun. This fact affects student achievement in mathematics.
Student learning achievement gained from the assessment process is an integral part of teaching. This assessment was carried out by teachers as a means to explore the extent to which knowledge about the things that have been learned has been formed in the brains of students. To be able to find out students' understanding can be done in several ways:
1. Assessment (assessment) conducted in a variety of techniques, such as written tests, oral questions, listening, observation of practical work, examination of student writing.
2. Assessment of knowledge covering all stages of the formation of concepts and principles, smoothness of operation / work (skills), skills in the context of applying the concepts and creativity to solve problems and investigations.
3. Assessment must occur during learning. When the teacher explained the facts / concepts, teachers should be punctuated with questions. (Soleh, 1998: 26).
While studying mathematics achievement assessments according to Maier (1995) is a statement about the knowledge and skills in the context of students learning mathematics. This assessment consists of assessment of school work and test work and written examinations, assessment and school achievement test or an oral performance establishment.
In this study, students' learning achievement in mathematics obtained through written tests, which test problem created by researchers and covers some basic material in semester 2 of the set of materials and material lines and corners.
2. Competence
According to John Stevenson in Subijanto (2005) on the article
"Competency Based Training in Australia's Analysis of Assumptions" from The National Training Board stated that "Competence comprises the specification of knowledge and skills and the application of that knowledge and skills of ocupation or withim industry level to the standard of performance required in employment ".

The statement implies that competence consists of knowledge and skills that are spisifik standards and applied in accordance with job requirements found.
According to the formulation of Reference Competency Standards (MPKN, 1998) defines the general competence as the ability to do a task and is supported by work attitudes. In other words, to be able to perform tasks well and correctly, one teacher is required to have:
a. Knowledge about the tasks performed / diembannya and how to do the job.
b. Skills needed to perform the task.
c. Work attitudes necessary to be able to do tasks well and correctly.
d. Enough physical power.

Based on the above terms and in accordance with the background issues, formulation of problems, objectives and theoretical basis, the hypothesis proposed in this study are as follows:
1. It is suspected that the variables communication, classroom management and learning process is partially or jointly have a positive impact on learning achievement in mathematics.
2. It is suspected that the learning process variable has the most significant effect compared to the two other factors to pertasi learn mathematics.

Research Methods
1. Study Site
This research was conducted at the Junior High School 2 Selomerto Wonosobo regency of Central Java Province.
2. Target Research
Research target is the student 2 Junior High School VII Selomerto lessons in 2008 / 2009.
3. Research Type
This study is a survey research, the information collected from respondents by using questionnaires, and surveys are generally limited to understanding the sense in which a sample survey collected information from some of the population to represent the entire population (Singarimbun Masri, 1995: 8).
4. Time Research
The study was conducted 2 (two months, starting in April-May 2009).
5. Data Collection Techniques
Data taken in this study form the primary data, ie data about three free variables in this study, the variable learning process, communication and classroom management, obtained from the respondents through the questionnaire method.

Sampling Method
1. Population
Population is the entire subject of research (Arikunto, 1996). Population in this research are all Seventh graders Selomerto Junior High School in the year 2 class 2008 / 2009 which amounted to 276 children who are grouped into 7 classes, namely class VII A total of 39 children, VII B of 40 children, Seventh C as many as 38 children, Seventh D as many as 38 children VII E of 40 children, VII F of 40 children and as many as 41 G VII children.
2. Sample
The sample is part of the whole population of individuals investigated (Sutrisno Hadi, 1986). On the basis of the factor of time, effort and cost, the sample was taken with cluster random sampling technique. In this study sample is drawn from a population of 3 classes, namely randomly drawn class A, C and D are numbered 120 students. Champion (1981) says that most statistical tests always include a sample size recommendations. In other words, statistical tests are most effective when applied to the sample numbers 30 s / d from 60 or 120 s / d 250.

Analysis Method
1. Measurement Variables
Measurement of communication variables, classroom management and learning process is done using Ordinal Scale derived from Likert scale model. This scale is used to measure attitudes, opinions and accomplishments a person or a group of people about social phenomena (Riduan in Sutrisno, 2005).
The criteria used are as follows:
a. Positive questionnaire, the answer is very often = 5, often = 4, sometimes = 3, never = 4, and never = 1
b. Negative questionnaire, the answer is very often = 1, often = 2, sometimes = 3, never = 4, and never = 5
Scores obtained from the answers to the Checklist, a list of subjects and aspects of the observed (Riduan in Sutrisno, 2005). Each question is summed to obtain composite scores. Nalai total for each response is calculated for each respondent.
As for the variables studied mathematics achievement as measured by math mengeteskan few respondents with a set of material and the parallel lines.
2. Istrumen Testing Research
a. Validity test
b. Test Reliability
c. Increased ordinal data into interval

Based on the results and discussion that has been done, can be concluded as follows:
1. Communication variables (X1), the management class (X2) and the learning process (X3) either partially or jointly have a significant impact on learning achievement metematika (Y). This conclusion shows that to improve math learning achievement can be done by increasing teachers' skills in, communication, classroom management and learning process.
2. Learning variables (X3) provides the most significant influence on mathematics learning achievement (Y). Therefore metematika good school performance, it is necessary to improve teachers' skills, especially in learning the skills of factors, in addition to skills in communication and classroom management.

The teachers at Junior High School 2 Selomerto expected to increase capacity in the process of learning, communication and classroom management with emphasis on the learning process variables, because they proved to three variables have a significant impact on improving learning achievement in mathematics. Thus to improve math learning achievement, it should be emphasized on improving teachers' skills in communication, classroom management, and especially in the learning process.
Activities to improve teachers' skills can be done by involving teachers in training mathematics teachers held either at the school level, MGMP District as well as in regional or national level.
Improving school performance is influenced by the mathematical learning process can be done by increasing the hours of lessons that teach skills and better training of mathematics teacher-training organized by the agencies related to education. While communication is a math teacher in the learning process needs to be addressed by efforts through personal approach to the students and teachers to change his appearance into a friendly and outgoing so popular that students enjoyed math the students become. Classroom management skills need to be improved in a way to discipline students according to school rules that apply and implement reward and punishment system on students in class, when the learning process is in progress.

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