1. Problem Background
One of the goals of mathematics learning is expected in the Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) is that learners have the ability to solve mathematical concepts, explains the relationship between concepts and apply the concepts or algorithms are flexible, accurate, efficient and accurate in solving the problem.
On a more operational level, a reference to evaluate the achievement of learning objectives linked directly to the mastery of competencies as stated in the Standard Content (SI) and the Competency Standards Graduates (SKL). Decision study (Mastery learning or level of mastery) students are expected to at least 70% (Standard BNSP. process 2007). This means that learners have a mastery of at least 70% of the competencies set out in the SI and graduation. The decision is very important at least to be implemented in the learning process so that students have no trouble in the next learning stage. For completeness teachers learn that students are well prasarat be taken into consideration for designing the next stage of learning.
Refers to the competencies set out in the SI, the authors attempt to design learning that allow students to achieve understanding in order to achieve optimum performance standard completeness. One of them by the media seeking to learn who can draw students to learn a mathematical concept. The author uses the media of colored beads to instill in the students' understanding of the basic competencies of the Commission to determine the two numbers, the class IV Selomerto SD 2, Selomerto district, Wonosobo regency.

The use of the media on the basis of considerations can dimanipulatif by students to find their own concept of the Commission to determine the two numbers.
2. Indetifikasi Problems
Based on the background of the above problems, the author identifies some problems that arise, among others:
a. Only half the students are actively learning
b. Lack of props that are used
c. The method used is less bervariatif
3. Problem Analysis
From the identification of issues that arise, the authors reflect on themselves and discuss with colleagues the unknown
a. Passive causative factor in the following student learning are:
1. The learning process less draw students
2. Students lack the opportunity to build the concept
3. Teachers less creative in presenting learning materials
b. Factors causing the lack of props
Teachers only use textbooks that have no props so that students are less interested in learning
c. Teachers less creative in conveying the subject matter, in explaining too abstract because the method used only one method alone without bervariatif.

Based on the identification and analysis of the problem of formulating the problem the author:
"Is the media using colored beads to enhance the learning of mathematics in the search for the Commission of the two numbers for elementary school students IV grade 2 Selomerto school year 2009 / 2010?

In general, this research aims to enhance students' learning achievement.
1. For students aiming to:
a. Increasing active and enthusiastic student learning
b. Improving student achievement in mathematics
c. Facilitate students' comprehension ability of the Commission for the two numbers by using colored beads
2. For teachers and researchers, aims to:
a. Knowing the extent to which aids the effectiveness of colored beads in improving the understanding of the material for the Commission of two numbers.
b. Improve the quality of learning through the use of medium colored beads.
c. Improving the performance of teachers in improving student learning results in understanding the concept for the Commission of two numbers.

1. Theoretical benefits
In terms of scientific, research is expected to provide information in the form of a description of a theory that increasing the learning of mathematics in the material for the Commission of two numbers can be pursued through the use of medium colored beads.
2. Practical benefits
a. For Students
 Increasing the motivation to study by using the media colored beads
 To increase students' understanding of subject matter
 Increasing the achievement of learning
b. For Teachers
 Improve the quality of learning
 Develop a critical attitude and responsive to issues of creative learning and to find alternative solutions
 Have knowledge and experience of the PTK
 Developing the profession
 The results can be used as a reference for subsequent research,
c. For Schools
 As an input from other teachers in the teaching material for the Commission of two numbers
 As a reference to conduct similar research activities


Class Action Research (TOD) is a study conducted by a teacher in his own class through self-reflection in order to improve their performance seagai teachers, so that teaching and learning results to be increased (Wardani dkk.2002).
This means that teachers are people who are considered most knowledgeable about everything that happens in the classroom so that the necessary remedial actions conducted a study to improve the learning that has been done.
Mathematics learning is the process of providing learning experiences to students through a series of planned activities so that students gain the competence of the material studied metematika (Billy Muhsetyo dkk.2007).
One form of a series of such activities is to prepare appropriate learning media with the lesson material. In this case using colored beads deemed appropriate to assist students in achieving basic competency for the Commission of the two numbers.
Learning discovery (discovery learning), one model / learning or cognitive learning developed by Bruner (1966). According to Bruner meaningful learning can only occur through discovery learning. In order to become more meaningful and has a strong information structure, students must actively identify key principles found himself. Not just accept the explanation from the teacher only (gagne / berlener).
Through the use of media-colored beads, teachers hope students can find their own concepts for the Commission of two numbers based on the facts he found himself.
Mathematics starting from the concrete to the abstract, from easy to difficult, and the simple things into complex things. This is in line with the opinion of Carol Gestwicki (1995) about the basic principle that the development of elementary school students how to think of something simple into something complex, from general to specific.
One of the materials in elementary mathematics class is to seek the Commission IV of the two numbers. This is where teachers are required to be able to instill the solution to the material to students using the media and the appropriate methods. Media serves to simplify the difficult concepts, presents an abstract concept becomes more real, or explain the concept more concrete terms.
Teachers use the media made of colored beads. The beads are small grains made of beads, shells or plastic, etc. (complete Dictionary Indonesian. Karangan Fajri Zul EM et al. Page 548 publishers Difa Publizer). So understanding the beads are the means used to represent multiples of a number. For example beads red to represent multiples of a number. The beads are colored blue to represent multiples of a number of others.
According to the bell (1978: 97) active learning of mathematics shows how important an understanding of teachers about the theories relating to how students learn and mengamplikasikan theory in the classroom. Teachers should be able to use exactly the benefits of each other learn the theory of complementarity.
Peaget states that a child at the age of primary school education (SD) are on concrete operational phase. Because the material is generally a math or abstract event, so that the teaching of mathematics in primary schools carried out through concrete examples (Singgih D. Gunarso, 1997).
The learning process is to use the media or any form prop, will provide a rich learning experience to students, to motivate students with active learning, creative and fun so that the process as well as student learning outcomes become more optimal.


1. Location: SD N 2 Selomerto, Selomerto District,
Wonosobo District
2. Class: IV (four)
3. Eyes Lessons: Mathematics
4. Left: a. Cycle I: Tuesday, July 28, 2009
b. Cycle II: Monday, August 3, 2009
5. Characteristics of Students:
In general, elementary students 2nd grade IV Selomerto aged between 8-11 years old, came from families of workers and peasants are less concerned with education.

B. PERSIKLUS description
The steps taken in improving mathematics learning method is as follows:
1. Learning during the repair process is carried out through 70 minutes tidakan planning, implementation, observation, and reflection as the problem.
2. Problems that will be corrected ie how to improve students' understanding of the material for the Commission two numbers.
Based on the above efforts to restore the plan drawn up which is learning the business before learning improvement. Learning improvements implemented 2 cycles.
In cycle I include
a. Planner's
After analyzing the problem in early learning and find the factors that caused the failure process and results in student learning materials for the Commission of two numbers, the authors conduct a discussion with colleagues to discover the possibility - the possibility of corrective action learning. Include:
 Develop a Learning Improvement Plan (RPP)
 Preparing the props
b. Implementation
Implementation of the learning took place following the steps in the RPP.
1. Initial activities (5 minutes)
a. teachers motivate students to be ready to learn
b. teachers held a question and answer for the lift back on a multiple of a number
c. teachers deliver learning objectives
d. teachers provide props
2. Core activities (40 minutes)
a. teachers write the material before writing
b. Students demonstrate how to determine the Commission of the two numbers through the following activities. By using visual aids colored beads
 4 students (A, B, C, D) advanced to the fore class
 By using the display media teachers,
Student A integer multiples of the first set (using the beads of green color)
Student B to determine the number of multiples of two (using the beads red color)
C Students determine the multiple of the fellowship (number who got a two-color beads)
Student D determines the Commission
 Students work on worksheets
3. Activities end (20 minutes)
 Students doing about formative tests
 Students with teacher summarizes the lesson materials
 Giving homework
4. Follow-up (5 minutes)
 For students who score <70 br="" given="" improvement="" were=""> For students who score ≥ 70 were given enrichment
c. Observations and Experiences
Based on observations by questions and discussion with colleagues on teachers as researchers and students, focused observation on student activities and effectiveness of visual aids colored beads the result was not satisfactory and not in accordance with what was expected 19 of 36 new students to reach standards exhaustiveness . Meanwhile, 17 students have not reached completeness.
d. Refeksi
From the results of observations during the learning improvement activities, obtained the following conclusions.
1. Learning becomes more interesting
2. Granular beads are too small, need precision, so that the value of not yet optimal.
Then a reflection of research, I found the cycle the result is not satisfactory, is less focused on student learning. So the authors discuss with colleagues in determining the alternative action to make amends learning cycle II.

In the implementation of the learning cycle II is a continuation of the cycle I as for the stages are as follows:
1. Plan
Based on the results of reflection on learning improvement in cycle I, and the results of discussions with peers, authors planned as follows:
 Develop a second RPP
 Increasing number table a more enlarged
2. Implementation
Implementation of improved teaching elementary school math class IV 2 Selomerto of the Commission of two numbers with the media colored beads in accordance with the cycle of learning improvement plan II. The author developed a model of discovery learning (learning discivery) in small groups / pairs to deskusi Worksheet menyelasaikan (LK).
The learning steps are as follows:
a. Initial activity (5 minutes)
 Teachers held back apersepsi by asking about the multiples of a number
 Teachers communicate learning goals
 Teachers prepare props
b. Core activities (45 minutes)
 Writing dipapan written material
 Considering the back of the multiples of a number
 Students paired discussion with visual aids colored beads
 Students work on worksheets
c. End Activity (20 minutes)
 Students create a summary of the material
 Students doing formative tests using colored beads
 Provision chores / homework
d. Follow-up
 For students who score <70 br="" given="" improvements="" is=""> For students who score ≥ 70 are given enrichment
3. Observation / Observation
Observations were made using a sheet colleagues observed improvement of the learning activities of researchers, as well as to engage students actively and directly in building the knowledge of the concepts for the Commission of two numbers by using colored beads. Fun learning process that eventually will provide new opportunities for the students to discover new ideas about teaching materials.
Effective learning proven by the test results are satisfactory learners as expected.
4. Reflection
From various sources of data obtained include observations of learning and formative test scores, obtained at the conclusion of learning improvement cycle II is working well and quite satisfactory. Decisions discussions with peers and principals, activities for improvement of learning has been successfully stopped, with grades attached.


A. Descriptions PER CYCLE
Based on our research of learning improvement Elementary 2 class IV Selomerto, Selomerto district, Wonosobo regency of seeking the Commission of two numbers performed 2 cycles, the writer as a researcher with colleagues received the data as follows.
1. Cycle 1
a. Plan
RPP as a design to implement the improvements focused on media use colored beads, it has not worked because of the 36 students, only 19 students who made it to the value of 70 which means  new 52.77% of students who reach the exhaustiveness.
b. Implementation
Use colored beads to explain how to find the Commission of the two numbers do not achieve optimal results. This is caused by the shape of the beads that are too small and need accuracy and carefulness. The results of formative tests received grades of students who do not meet the standards of learning conditions (analysis of the value attached).
c. Observations
Implementation of improvements in observational study conducted colleagues with research and analysis obtained the following results.
1. Students who receive grades according to the criteria of completeness there are 19 of the 34 students or only 52.77%. While students who have not reached the 17 students studying completeness or 47.22%.
2. There is increasing grades when compared with values obtained in earlier studies.

d. Reflection
From the acquisition value of the test data and results of formative peer observation can be concluded that the improvement of learning in the cycle I have not succeeded, then the author with the help of peers to determine learning improvement plan to cycle II.

2. Cycle II
a. Plan
Formulation II RPP cycle, determine the learning process improvement initially with small beads, converted with beads greater. To the writer seeking a medium-colored beads larger by making your own from cardboard.
b. Implementation
In the implementation of the improvement of mathematics learning cycle II through the learning improvement plan has been designed with innovations to more effective learning, and has discussed with colleagues as studied. Based on the analysis results on the value of learning improvement cycle II obtained encouraging results. In the repair process of learning to use props beads larger so excite students to follow the learning process from start to finish to make the process of seeking the Commission membangunan concept of the two numbers become more meaningful. Proven results over the evaluation after learning that reaches a minimum value of completeness criteria there are 33 students grades  70, which means 91.66%, has reached the value of exhaustiveness.
c. Observations
Observations on the cycle II with perbelajaran display colored beads proved to improve student learning outcomes. Of class IV students as much as 36 students can be improved results, the cycle I just 52.77% to 91.66% in cycle II. Some students who do not achieve exhaustiveness is because students learn to slow learners, these students are Dwi Nur Arifin, Weni Hayana Nur, Mohammed Fadri.
d. Refeksi
From the results pengatan peers and supporting data available, the author pengadakan discussions with friends and colleagues agreed that the research dipokok learners improved enough and can be stopped.

Improvement of learning mathematics with basic competence for the Commission of two elementary school class IV in 2 Selomerto conducted 2 cycles following activities:
1. Cycle I
In cycle I emphasizing on the improvement of learning increases students' understanding by using colored beads in the search for the Commission of the two numbers.
In the research process in a variety of factors
a) Figure-colored beads attract enough students for interesting shapes and colors.
b) The demonstration of teachers with the use of bead media to make the concept is explained quite clearly that for some students.
c) The form of the beads that are too small to make the difficulties students
d) The results of formative tests have not reached the final stage because of the 35 students only 19 students who made it to the value  70. So the new completeness level reached 52.77%.
In general, the process of reconciliation in the cycle I go according to plan even after repair facts / facts research has yet to show maximum results both in the process and results perbikan. Therefore, research on improving the learning dilanjutklan cycle II.
2. Cycle II
Implementation of the learning improvement that have been planned earlier in the cycle II math in elementary school Fourth grade 2 Selomerto implemented according to plan learning scenarios. The results obtained from the end of the lesson after a final test of learning was satisfied with the improvement results achieved already a lot of standard completeness. Media use colored beads to stimulate students to learn. Learners are given the opportunity to discover and develop the concept of seeking the Commission of the two numbers, so the concept is embedded in him well.
After the final test conducted study of the cycle I have only 19 students or 52.77% from 36 students to 33 students or 91.66% to reach level exhaustiveness.


Class Action Implementation Research through mathematical learning improvement activities of the Commission for the two numbers in grade IV Selomerto Elementary District Wonosobo regency Selomerto can be summarized as follows.
1. The use of props colored beads according to instill in students an understanding for the Commission of two numbers.
2. Learning becomes more bervariatif, fun and meaningful, because in this way students can find their own concepts learned.
3. Through manipulating the activities of colored beads student evaluation results can be improved.

To instill the concept of looking for the Commission of two numbers in order to process and learning outcomes can be optimized, especially in mathematics author gives the following advice:
1. Selection tool pegaraga / learning media should be tailored to the learning material and the number of students in the classroom.
2. Provide opportunities for students to develop their own concepts
3. Keep in collaboration with colleagues in an effort to improve student learning outcomes.


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