Problem Background
Teachers are bekeradaannya figure can not be replaced by the media or any learning facility. The presence of teachers are still needed, the presence of the teacher as a figure standing in front of the class being reached at any time can not be replaced by any sophisticated learning media. Teachers should maintain direct learning in front of students. Therefore, whatever the reason teachers have to teach directly in front of students to set learning goals can be achieved.
Along with the development, the impact on learning curriculum change, the quality of learning should always be improved. The situation could be initiated by improving the competence of teachers, both in presenting the material, using methods and techniques appropriate teaching, learning and using the media needs of the students. Professional teachers is actually able to deliver learning materials are appropriate to the learning needs of learners. However, to reach toward the need of practice, mastery and insight in learning, including one using models and appropriate learning methods. In mathematics, teachers do not simply focus only on one model and specific methods. Teachers should try to apply the various models and methods in accordance with the demands of learning materials, including the implementation of cooperative learning model with group learning methods. Selection models and the appropriate methods will be able to improve the achievement of learning outcomes as expected. The results of studying mathematics at SMK N 1 Sapuran study results have not so the maximum, in each daily test new average of 35% can be resolved.
Based on the concept shows that the group needs to learn the methods applied and developed the first teacher control strategies or steps. Learning methods, including group learning method is a variation of teachers in implementing other than the conventional learning in the form of lectures. Teachers need to be carefully selecting the right material to use this learning method, so the result is more optimal student learning. The existence of the application of learning methods for the subjects of mathematics is needed. The students are able to share in decision-making knowledge to solve problems together. That state benefits as a real learning experience for the students especially mathematics as a whole is more emphasis on practice than just understanding the abstract concepts only.
Based on the things that have been raised further interesting to be studied further in the form of research, so the title is set: "Application of the TGT Model Efforts Improving Student Results eyes Discuss Basic Mathematics Lessons centrality Size Single Data on students' first semester of Grade XII SMK N 1 Lessons Sapuran Year 2008 / 2009 ".
Problem formulation
Based on the background of the problem has been stated, the formulation of the problem set is "Does the application of TGT model can improve students' main subjects Mathematics Outline Size Single Data Centralization of Class XII students the first semester SMK N 1 Sapuran Year Lessons 2008 / 2009? "
Research Objectives
In accordance with the formula mentioned problems, the research objectives to be achieved is to increase the capacity of teachers in the implementation of TGT model, thus increasing the students 'main subjects Mathematics Discuss Single Data Centralization size on students' first semester of Grade XII SMK N 1 Sapuran Year Lesson 2008 / 2009.
Theory Study
The Nature of Teaching and Learning
Learning is a process to all situations mereaksi around individuals. Learning is a process that is designed and aimed to achieve the goal by doing through a variety of experiences. Learning is student attitudes and behaviors of very complex because it is very difficult to learn to observe, because although the outside looks have not learned, but these students may have gained something more from their environment, these conditions indicate that students have learned. Skinner (Dimyati 2002:34) suggests "learning is a behavior". At the time of the study, then a good activity to be increased, otherwise if the person does not learn, then a good activity to be decreased. In a study obtained some chance occurrence of events that lead to learning activities and the consequences that are reinforcing the learning activities. While Gagne (Dimyati 2002:40) suggests "learning is a complex activity". Study results are capabilities. People after learning a skill, knowledge, attitudes and values. The emergence of these capabilities are derived from the simulation of the environment and the cognitive processes by which people learn.
Meanwhile Winkel (Darsono 2001:4) suggests "learning is a mental activity that took place in the psychic active interaction with the environment produce changes in knowledge attitudes skills and values". Thus learning is the result of interaction between the individual and the environment that produces changes in behavior abilities and skills into a better direction. In more detail hereinafter Ausubel (Muryati 2003:12) suggests learning can be classified into two dimensions, namely as follows.
a. Related to the way the information or material presented lessons to students through the receipt or discovery.
b. Regarding the way how students can relate the information on cognitive structures that are the facts, concepts and generalizations that have been learned and remembered by students who have been there.
Therefore, it can be argued that learning and teaching is the interaction between students and teachers in the classroom to implement the learning process in connection with certain content.
Study Results
The results of learning is a tool to see the learning progress of students in the mastery of students' mastery learning teaching materials that have been learned in accordance with the objectives set.
Students learning outcomes are influenced by many factors. The meaning of learning is relatively permanent changes that occur in all kinds / overall behavior of an organism as a result of experience. Tuti Sukamto (1997: 8) argues that learning can be defined as any behavior changes in a relatively fixed and occur as a result of training or experience. Learning is a process that can lead to changes in behavior because of the reaction terhadpa a particular situation or because the process happens internally in oneself.
Learning Group
Learning techniques is one of the teaching and learning strategies, in which students in the classroom is seen as a group or divided into several small groups. Each group consists of 3 to 5 students, they cooperate in solving problems or perform specific tasks and to achieve the teaching objectives have been determined teacher. Working group is a group of student activities which usually are small, organized for the benefit of learning, where the success of this group requires the cooperative activities of individual members of the group (Robert L. Cilstrap and William R. Martin in Roestiyah 2001:45).
While Dimyati and Mudjiono (2002:34) suggests that teamwork and leadership work keterpimpinan students need to learn to stock in later life ". More fully hereinafter Burton (Nasution 2000:56) explains "group work is the way individuals make contacts and cooperation with other individuals to work together. Relations within the group of democratic means every individual to participate, participate and contribute actively cooperate, so that the individual will gain a better learning and attitude change ". Gains derived from the study group approach is as follows. a) The student is responsible for the learning process, actively involved and have a greater effort to achieve, b) students develop higher level thinking skills and critical thinking, and c) the occurrence of positive relationships between students.
Thus learning-related group learning process students performed together through interactive communication, led by a leader to solve the problems faced in connection with the lesson material.
Learning Model CL Type TGT
Cooperative learning model through a tournament, more chosen because relatively short time and how to do it relatively easier than the STAD and Jigsaw. For classes in Indonesia, the phases of the TGT was developed from four to eight, as follows:
Phase 1: Description of teachers (Teacher presentation).
In this phase, teachers deliver learning objectives, subject matter and a brief explanation of the BLM is distributed to the group.
Phase 2: The division of groups
Teachers divide the class into groups based on criteria of ability (achievement) of students from the pretest or previous daily tests, sex (gender), ethnicity and race. Each group of 2 to 4 people (Slavin, 1998). The number of group members can also be developed into 5 people.
Phase 3: Working group (study team)
After receiving BLM from teachers, students working in their respective groups, discussion, lab or answer the questions on the BLM.
Phase 4: Guidance group / class (Scafolding)
Teacher guided group work, observing psychomotor and attitudes of individual students in group work
Phase 5: Tournament (Quizzes)
Teachers distributed a booklet tournament (quizzes). The number of tournaments over between 10 to 20 grains of matter. Tournamen rules TGT model are as follows:
1. Each group determines one of the Reader (the reader quiz about the tournament) the first and the reader answer key. Readers about the second, third and so on sequentially rotated in the direction of clockwise rotation. The reader is a student answers a seat position on the right reader.
2. The first opportunity to answer the quiz questions given to the reader the tournament, then turn to answer for the other members of the group clockwise.
3. If all members of the group answered correctly, students who obtained first point is the students who answered correctly.
4. The tournament continues until all questions are read out. Then the scores of each member is calculated based on the number of correct answers as well as for the calculation of the score
Phase 6: Validation
Teachers perform validation, explanation of the key questions and quiz answers. The aim is to strengthen students' understanding of the learning material.
Phase 7: Award group (Team recognition)
Having obtained the score of each member in each group, and then held a recapitulation of the value and the score is determined using Table
Application of learning methods teacher groups conducted to enhance students' learning exhaustiveness is a form of creativity in teaching. Through this method students interact with each other in an opinion to solve the problem together. Any idea who owned the students poured, is accommodated to be modified as the identity dilanjutnya together to solve the problems.
Based on these images can be reviewed that together teachers and students carry out teaching and learning process (learning) with the teacher's position as a teacher and educate students as subjects. During the learning process occurs, teachers use learning method known as group learning methods. The use of these methods tailored to the needs of research. With the use of such methods ultimately expected quality of learning for the better, so that students gain the maximum learning results in learning.
Research Hypothesis
Based on these concepts, the researchers suggested that the research hypothesis as follows. "Application of TGT model can improve students' main subjects Mathematics Outline Size Single Data Centralization of Class XII students of SMK N 5 Semester 1 Lessons Sapuran Year 2008 / 2009".
Setting and Subjects Research
This research was conducted in semester 2008/2009 school year due to material about the size of the Single Data Centralization Class XII students of SMK N 5 Semester 1 Lessons Sapuran Year 2008 / 2009 was allocated in the semester. While in school research site where the researchers assigned the SMK N 1 Sapuran in 5 semesters of the school year 2008/2009.
Engineering and Equipment Data Collection
Data collection technique used was a written test techniques and observation techniques. Written test conducted to find data on learning outcomes, sedangka observation used to collect data the learning process. Research instrument shaped grains of matter and test pieces of the observation.
Data Analysis
Analsisis used in this study is a comparative descriptive analysis to analyze the form of quantitative data obtained through a written test of daily tests, followed by reflection. Meanwhile, in the form of qualitative data obtained through observation learning process using qualitative descriptive analysis followed by a reflection yag.
Procedure Research
In this study more research to determine methods. The method used in this study is action research methods class. One of the features in the study of this class action is the action performed each cycle.
The next step is to determine the number of cycles. In this study researchers determine the number of cycles of two cycles. Step in each cycle include: planning (planning), execution (acting), observation (Observing) and reflection (Reflecting).
Initial Condition Descriptions
The value of daily tests are carried out twice on initial conditions prior research shows that the average daily tests for the first 53 and the average daily tests for 51 second, on average both 52, two daily tests the class average is still in Under the established families, ie 60.
Description of Cycle I Results
Based on the results of tests on the first cycle of implementation measures the average value of 55 or 55% when compared with the initial conditions of the average value of 52 classes or 52%, there is an increase of 55 to 52 = 3 or 3%.
Description of the Results Cycle II
Based on the results of tests on a second cycle of implementation measures the average value of 60 or 60% when compared with the condition of the first cycle of the average value of 55 classes or 55%, there is an increase of 60 to 55 = 5 or 5%.
Research Results
Based on the results of research and discussion of initial conditions, after the first cycle of action undertaken and concluded that the second cycle using TGT learning model can improve mathematics learning outcomes, especially material Size Single Data Centralization of Class XII students of SMK N 5 Semester 1 Lessons Sapuran Year 2008 / 2009 .
Use of TGT learning model can be used as a variation in learning to improve learning of mathematics in haisl subject Size Single Data Centralization of Class XII students in Vocational Semester 5. Evidenced by the initial conditions of the average daily tests and the second one 52, after learning learning model implemented with TGT average value of the class has increased in the first cycle an average of 55 classes the second cycle of the average value of 60 classes, it can be concluded that action hypothesis, which reads using TGT model can improve students' mathematics subject centrality Size Single Data.
Suggestions: (1) For teachers in the teaching that uses a learning model that is not monotonous learning process and children will be more passion in learning, (2) each completed the delivery of learning materials by providing PR ditindaklajuti appropriate indicators of learners learning in order to continue learning at home .
Dimyati and Mudjiono. 1999. Learning and learning. Jakarta: Rineka Notices
Ngalim Purwanto. 1990. Educational Psychology. Bandung: Rosda Works
Pahyono.2004. Teaching Materials: Learning models, LPMP Central Java
Suharsimi Arikunto. 2006. Class Action Research. Jakarta: Bumi script
Toeti Sukamto and Udin S. Winataputra. 1997. Learning theories and models-fashion
| Winkel, WAS. 1984. Educational Psychology and Evaluation Study. Jakarta: Gramedia
Problem Background
Teachers are bekeradaannya figure can not be replaced by the media or any learning facility. The presence of teachers are still needed, the presence of the teacher as a figure standing in front of the class being reached at any time can not be replaced by any sophisticated learning media. Teachers should maintain direct learning in front of students. Therefore, whatever the reason teachers have to teach directly in front of students to set learning goals can be achieved.
Along with the development, the impact on learning curriculum change, the quality of learning should always be improved. The situation could be initiated by improving the competence of teachers, both in presenting the material, using methods and techniques appropriate teaching, learning and using the media needs of the students. Professional teachers is actually able to deliver learning materials are appropriate to the learning needs of learners. However, to reach toward the need of practice, mastery and insight in learning, including one using models and appropriate learning methods. In mathematics, teachers do not simply focus only on one model and specific methods. Teachers should try to apply the various models and methods in accordance with the demands of learning materials, including the implementation of cooperative learning model with group learning methods. Selection models and the appropriate methods will be able to improve the achievement of learning outcomes as expected. The results of studying mathematics at SMK N 1 Sapuran study results have not so the maximum, in each daily test new average of 35% can be resolved.
Based on the concept shows that the group needs to learn the methods applied and developed the first teacher control strategies or steps. Learning methods, including group learning method is a variation of teachers in implementing other than the conventional learning in the form of lectures. Teachers need to be carefully selecting the right material to use this learning method, so the result is more optimal student learning. The existence of the application of learning methods for the subjects of mathematics is needed. The students are able to share in decision-making knowledge to solve problems together. That state benefits as a real learning experience for the students especially mathematics as a whole is more emphasis on practice than just understanding the abstract concepts only.
Based on the things that have been raised further interesting to be studied further in the form of research, so the title is set: "Application of the TGT Model Efforts Improving Student Results eyes Discuss Basic Mathematics Lessons centrality Size Single Data on students' first semester of Grade XII SMK N 1 Lessons Sapuran Year 2008 / 2009 ".
Problem formulation
Based on the background of the problem has been stated, the formulation of the problem set is "Does the application of TGT model can improve students' main subjects Mathematics Outline Size Single Data Centralization of Class XII students the first semester SMK N 1 Sapuran Year Lessons 2008 / 2009? "
Research Objectives
In accordance with the formula mentioned problems, the research objectives to be achieved is to increase the capacity of teachers in the implementation of TGT model, thus increasing the students 'main subjects Mathematics Discuss Single Data Centralization size on students' first semester of Grade XII SMK N 1 Sapuran Year Lesson 2008 / 2009.
Theory Study
The Nature of Teaching and Learning
Learning is a process to all situations mereaksi around individuals. Learning is a process that is designed and aimed to achieve the goal by doing through a variety of experiences. Learning is student attitudes and behaviors of very complex because it is very difficult to learn to observe, because although the outside looks have not learned, but these students may have gained something more from their environment, these conditions indicate that students have learned. Skinner (Dimyati 2002:34) suggests "learning is a behavior". At the time of the study, then a good activity to be increased, otherwise if the person does not learn, then a good activity to be decreased. In a study obtained some chance occurrence of events that lead to learning activities and the consequences that are reinforcing the learning activities. While Gagne (Dimyati 2002:40) suggests "learning is a complex activity". Study results are capabilities. People after learning a skill, knowledge, attitudes and values. The emergence of these capabilities are derived from the simulation of the environment and the cognitive processes by which people learn.
Meanwhile Winkel (Darsono 2001:4) suggests "learning is a mental activity that took place in the psychic active interaction with the environment produce changes in knowledge attitudes skills and values". Thus learning is the result of interaction between the individual and the environment that produces changes in behavior abilities and skills into a better direction. In more detail hereinafter Ausubel (Muryati 2003:12) suggests learning can be classified into two dimensions, namely as follows.
a. Related to the way the information or material presented lessons to students through the receipt or discovery.
b. Regarding the way how students can relate the information on cognitive structures that are the facts, concepts and generalizations that have been learned and remembered by students who have been there.
Therefore, it can be argued that learning and teaching is the interaction between students and teachers in the classroom to implement the learning process in connection with certain content.
Study Results
The results of learning is a tool to see the learning progress of students in the mastery of students' mastery learning teaching materials that have been learned in accordance with the objectives set.
Students learning outcomes are influenced by many factors. The meaning of learning is relatively permanent changes that occur in all kinds / overall behavior of an organism as a result of experience. Tuti Sukamto (1997: 8) argues that learning can be defined as any behavior changes in a relatively fixed and occur as a result of training or experience. Learning is a process that can lead to changes in behavior because of the reaction terhadpa a particular situation or because the process happens internally in oneself.
Learning Group
Learning techniques is one of the teaching and learning strategies, in which students in the classroom is seen as a group or divided into several small groups. Each group consists of 3 to 5 students, they cooperate in solving problems or perform specific tasks and to achieve the teaching objectives have been determined teacher. Working group is a group of student activities which usually are small, organized for the benefit of learning, where the success of this group requires the cooperative activities of individual members of the group (Robert L. Cilstrap and William R. Martin in Roestiyah 2001:45).
While Dimyati and Mudjiono (2002:34) suggests that teamwork and leadership work keterpimpinan students need to learn to stock in later life ". More fully hereinafter Burton (Nasution 2000:56) explains "group work is the way individuals make contacts and cooperation with other individuals to work together. Relations within the group of democratic means every individual to participate, participate and contribute actively cooperate, so that the individual will gain a better learning and attitude change ". Gains derived from the study group approach is as follows. a) The student is responsible for the learning process, actively involved and have a greater effort to achieve, b) students develop higher level thinking skills and critical thinking, and c) the occurrence of positive relationships between students.
Thus learning-related group learning process students performed together through interactive communication, led by a leader to solve the problems faced in connection with the lesson material.
Learning Model CL Type TGT
Cooperative learning model through a tournament, more chosen because relatively short time and how to do it relatively easier than the STAD and Jigsaw. For classes in Indonesia, the phases of the TGT was developed from four to eight, as follows:
Phase 1: Description of teachers (Teacher presentation).
In this phase, teachers deliver learning objectives, subject matter and a brief explanation of the BLM is distributed to the group.
Phase 2: The division of groups
Teachers divide the class into groups based on criteria of ability (achievement) of students from the pretest or previous daily tests, sex (gender), ethnicity and race. Each group of 2 to 4 people (Slavin, 1998). The number of group members can also be developed into 5 people.
Phase 3: Working group (study team)
After receiving BLM from teachers, students working in their respective groups, discussion, lab or answer the questions on the BLM.
Phase 4: Guidance group / class (Scafolding)
Teacher guided group work, observing psychomotor and attitudes of individual students in group work
Phase 5: Tournament (Quizzes)
Teachers distributed a booklet tournament (quizzes). The number of tournaments over between 10 to 20 grains of matter. Tournamen rules TGT model are as follows:
1. Each group determines one of the Reader (the reader quiz about the tournament) the first and the reader answer key. Readers about the second, third and so on sequentially rotated in the direction of clockwise rotation. The reader is a student answers a seat position on the right reader.
2. The first opportunity to answer the quiz questions given to the reader the tournament, then turn to answer for the other members of the group clockwise.
3. If all members of the group answered correctly, students who obtained first point is the students who answered correctly.
4. The tournament continues until all questions are read out. Then the scores of each member is calculated based on the number of correct answers as well as for the calculation of the score
Phase 6: Validation
Teachers perform validation, explanation of the key questions and quiz answers. The aim is to strengthen students' understanding of the learning material.
Phase 7: Award group (Team recognition)
Having obtained the score of each member in each group, and then held a recapitulation of the value and the score is determined using Table
Application of learning methods teacher groups conducted to enhance students' learning exhaustiveness is a form of creativity in teaching. Through this method students interact with each other in an opinion to solve the problem together. Any idea who owned the students poured, is accommodated to be modified as the identity dilanjutnya together to solve the problems.
Based on these images can be reviewed that together teachers and students carry out teaching and learning process (learning) with the teacher's position as a teacher and educate students as subjects. During the learning process occurs, teachers use learning method known as group learning methods. The use of these methods tailored to the needs of research. With the use of such methods ultimately expected quality of learning for the better, so that students gain the maximum learning results in learning.
Research Hypothesis
Based on these concepts, the researchers suggested that the research hypothesis as follows. "Application of TGT model can improve students' main subjects Mathematics Outline Size Single Data Centralization of Class XII students of SMK N 5 Semester 1 Lessons Sapuran Year 2008 / 2009".
Setting and Subjects Research
This research was conducted in semester 2008/2009 school year due to material about the size of the Single Data Centralization Class XII students of SMK N 5 Semester 1 Lessons Sapuran Year 2008 / 2009 was allocated in the semester. While in school research site where the researchers assigned the SMK N 1 Sapuran in 5 semesters of the school year 2008/2009.
Engineering and Equipment Data Collection
Data collection technique used was a written test techniques and observation techniques. Written test conducted to find data on learning outcomes, sedangka observation used to collect data the learning process. Research instrument shaped grains of matter and test pieces of the observation.
Data Analysis
Analsisis used in this study is a comparative descriptive analysis to analyze the form of quantitative data obtained through a written test of daily tests, followed by reflection. Meanwhile, in the form of qualitative data obtained through observation learning process using qualitative descriptive analysis followed by a reflection yag.
Procedure Research
In this study more research to determine methods. The method used in this study is action research methods class. One of the features in the study of this class action is the action performed each cycle.
The next step is to determine the number of cycles. In this study researchers determine the number of cycles of two cycles. Step in each cycle include: planning (planning), execution (acting), observation (Observing) and reflection (Reflecting).
Initial Condition Descriptions
The value of daily tests are carried out twice on initial conditions prior research shows that the average daily tests for the first 53 and the average daily tests for 51 second, on average both 52, two daily tests the class average is still in Under the established families, ie 60.
Description of Cycle I Results
Based on the results of tests on the first cycle of implementation measures the average value of 55 or 55% when compared with the initial conditions of the average value of 52 classes or 52%, there is an increase of 55 to 52 = 3 or 3%.
Description of the Results Cycle II
Based on the results of tests on a second cycle of implementation measures the average value of 60 or 60% when compared with the condition of the first cycle of the average value of 55 classes or 55%, there is an increase of 60 to 55 = 5 or 5%.
Research Results
Based on the results of research and discussion of initial conditions, after the first cycle of action undertaken and concluded that the second cycle using TGT learning model can improve mathematics learning outcomes, especially material Size Single Data Centralization of Class XII students of SMK N 5 Semester 1 Lessons Sapuran Year 2008 / 2009 .
Use of TGT learning model can be used as a variation in learning to improve learning of mathematics in haisl subject Size Single Data Centralization of Class XII students in Vocational Semester 5. Evidenced by the initial conditions of the average daily tests and the second one 52, after learning learning model implemented with TGT average value of the class has increased in the first cycle an average of 55 classes the second cycle of the average value of 60 classes, it can be concluded that action hypothesis, which reads using TGT model can improve students' mathematics subject centrality Size Single Data.
Suggestions: (1) For teachers in the teaching that uses a learning model that is not monotonous learning process and children will be more passion in learning, (2) each completed the delivery of learning materials by providing PR ditindaklajuti appropriate indicators of learners learning in order to continue learning at home .
Dimyati and Mudjiono. 1999. Learning and learning. Jakarta: Rineka Notices
Ngalim Purwanto. 1990. Educational Psychology. Bandung: Rosda Works
Pahyono.2004. Teaching Materials: Learning models, LPMP Central Java
Suharsimi Arikunto. 2006. Class Action Research. Jakarta: Bumi script
Toeti Sukamto and Udin S. Winataputra. 1997. Learning theories and models-fashion
| Winkel, WAS. 1984. Educational Psychology and Evaluation Study. Jakarta: Gramedia