Mathematics is one of science that is growing rapidly at the present moment, both material and its use. By mastering the knowledge of Mathematics at the school, especially students, allowing students will be easier to accept this knowledge. Science and technology grow more rapidly, either directly or indirectly will influence the development of education. Therefore, the quality of education must be improved, especially the science of "counting" or "Math", the role of mathematics in life has brought human life into the modern technological era.

Once the importance of Mathematics to the future of the nation, the government has tried to improve the quality of math with various efforts such as the provision of aids, packages of books, olympiads Mathematics, and improving the curriculum, students or individual students as potential can not develop much without assistance as related to counselor education quality improvement should be made improvements, renewals, and changes in all aspects including curriculum, facilities and infrastructure, teachers, students and teaching methods.
Learning Mathematics in Elementary School N 2 Lengkong particularly in class II, frequently experience obstacles and difficulties, especially in achieving the expected learning outcomes, it is caused by several things, include the following:
1. Many students think that mathematics is a difficult lesson, so most students or less to like math, so they learned a low interest, so that the desired learning outcomes are not often achieved.
2. Identical with the math calculations activities which according to some students make dizzy.
3. That the lack of media to make the teacher materials explain certain difficulties in learning mathematics.
Because of the factors that hinder the achievement of learning outcomes seen to make learning achievement as measured by the analysis of evaluation results in a reduction in borrowing material from the show 100% students in class with learning exhaustiveness criterion value at least (KKM) in the level of education was 6.0 units of 30 % of students, or about one-third of the number of students do not achieve these KKM.

With the research determined that the students do not understand the material because students BASED on what the teacher described it, without having innovative ideas. With the few things that sometimes become an obstacle in the smooth process of learning mathematics above, then we try to create the conditions and mindset of the class II Elementary students N 2 Lengkong, especially in Mathematics at membelajaran material reduction in borrowing, with the drill method is a method of learning by exercises questions repeatedly.

These changes are expected to make the learning process of Mathematics run by active, creative and fun so that an increase in student learning outcomes that can be identified from the increase in evaluations performed.
Therefore, in the classroom action research, the author took the title: "Use of Drill Method to Improve Mathematics Membelajaran reduction in the Borrowing concepts in Class II SD N 2 Lengkong"

Identify Problems
Understanding Mathematics is a product concept and process of mathematics. The success of the process of mathematics is influenced by many factors, such as teacher understanding of materials, availability of materials and props lessons, teachers work ethic, the utilization of learning resources and capability of teachers in the teaching process is also influenced by the readiness and ability of students where each student has the skills different, therefore the teacher can ditutut to choose and use appropriate methods and appropriate, also tried to eliminate the perception of students that mathematics is a difficult lesson and frightening. Passed into the math easy and fun.
Thus can be stated that the drill method can enhance students' understanding of math concepts.

Problem formulation
Based on the above background, the problems in this research is "What is, by using the drill method can improve math in second grade elementary school?"

Destination Problem
The purpose of this study was to determine whether to use the drill can improve ketode mathematics in grade II SD.

The benefits of this research are as follows:
a. For researchers, it can be to be equipped to be exchanged to the partner other elementary school teachers as knowledge that is expected to be useful later.
b. For teachers, can improve the managed learning so that teaching and learning activities can be run well and achieve goals such as learning what to expect.
c. For students, can make students more interested and enthusiastic in learning mathematics because of changes in thinking about the previous math is less likely to be the preferred subjects.

d. For schools, with the activities undertaken and the results provided a positive impact on the development of schools that appear on improving learning outcomes in order to achieve a minimal learning exhaustiveness set by the school, namely to increase student achievement by improving student success means improving the quality of schools it.


Theoretical Analysis
1. Characteristics of Second grade students in learning mathematics:
1) The characteristics of children aged class II SD
Fourth grade primary school students are students who sat the class II SD dibangku the average age of 7 years.
2) The development of grade II souls SD
7-year-olds or kids are class II SD loves to play, especially playing the objects around it.
3) According to Piaget children an average age of 7 years including the age of concrete operational (age 7-12 years). In this period of child development class II SD is the curiosity and at this time was able to perform concrete tasks.
Meningat developments such as grade II above is very high motivation to study because of curiosity. For that teachers should be able to choose the right method, it is precisely when teachers use the drill method of learning math in elementary school second grade, so students are not saturated.
2. Understanding Drill Method
The method is a tidy and well thought of to achieve the purpose (of knowledge), or the means employed to convey the subject matter training drill skill, dexterity, and so by way of repetition.
So drill method means a tidy and well thought of to achieve the purpose in a particular science to practice skills, etc. ketangksan by repetition.
3. Understanding learning and learning outcomes
Learning is a business that is done deliberately to obtain a change of behavior is expected. This can be seen from the change did not know the idea of not understood to be understood. In the study appears there are links between elements from one another to support success in learning, learning is said to be successful if the business itself can solve the problem at hand, resulting in changes in behavior.
And the learning is something that comes from the learning activities that look after these activities and can be measured by value and other benchmarks, the criteria determining success or failure of learning to make the effort to achieve maximum learning results in accordance with what is expected.

Understanding Relevant
Tasks include teachers well understand the material to be taught, to understand and take advantage of the good ways to learn math students to be learning, to understand how to effectively teach math and use the ways of teaching math. Students do learn to acquire new concepts and information about Mathematics. For that before further discussion about teaching mathematics in grade II Elementary School will be presented first definition of learning, learning to relate to changes in behavior of a particular situation caused by the experience again and again in that situation.
Given in general, mathematics learning achievement is low, because of various difficulties in learning mathematics, for the teacher to understand the difficulties in math so they can choose the right method.
That in order to obtain and understand the concept of Elementary Mathematics efforts should be made in a way that gives the possibility for students to master the lessons, one of them driil method.

Thought Framework
Student learning experience and to learn the mathematics students learn to develop the ability to communicate by using numbers and symbol-symbol of sharpness reasoning can clarify and resolve problems in daily life in these learning activities will result in qualitative changes.
Quality is very much influenced by the learning approach that teachers do. In mathematics and the child will understand the concept very well when the child feels interested and berminal to learn mathematics. In addition to learning the results more meaningful and satisfying in this case using one of the methods that enable students to think through the methods of drill and find their own concepts as well as teacher-led.

Based on theoretical analysis, some relevant research results and frame of mind as disclosed above, in this study the formulation of hypotheses can be proposed, which reads "Use of Drill Method for Improving the concept of mathematics and reduction in borrowing in the Class II SD N 2 Lengkong district of Wonosobo regency Garung "


Design Research
a. Research Type
This kind of research is action research class actions classroom research, with the following explanation:
1) Place of Research
This research was conducted in primary N 2 Lengkong
2) Time Research
This research was conducted in the semester school year 2009
3) Subject of Research
Research subjects is a class II SD N 2 Lengkong
4) Data collection techniques
The data in this study obtained through:
a. Observation sheet student performance data in this research are determined based on the assessment scale (very little to very good).
b. Written report of research activities undertaken by students will be assessed with a score range of 0-100
c. Attitude questionnaire on the implementation of student learning by using the drill method.
b. Action Planning
The steps are carried out at this stage is
1. Designing learning driil method
2. Develop test tools as a preliminary assessment
3. Creating student activity sheet
4. Making an observation instrument in a research student and teacher performance in the learning process.
5. Creating evaluation sheet to assess students' research reports
6. Develop learning about the evaluation results
7. Make a questionnaire attitudes towards learning mathematics students using the drill method.
c. Implementation Actions
Implementation of measures in this study that teachers implement learning by using learning tools that have been made.
d. Observations
Observe the implementation of learning or observation made during the implementation of learning and discussion of research achievements by the students.
e. Reflection
Researchers conducted a study to consider matters as follows:
1. Conformity with the planning implementation
2. Constraints or difficulties experienced by
3. Progress made by students
4. Plan future learning
f. Research Schedule


Wardhani, I.G.A.K, et al, 2008. Class Action Research, Center for Open University Publisher: Jakarta

Mustoha. Amin, et al, 2009. Glad Mathematics, Book Center Department of National Education.