Improving the quality of learning processes in plant growth through the practice of planting seeds of plants in SD Negeri 1 Krinjing
Improving the quality of learning processes in plant growth through the practice of planting seeds of plants in SD Negeri 1 Krinjing
B. FIELD OF STUDY: Design and Learning Strategies
Quality of learning in class II, 1 SD Krinjing school year 2009 / 2010 on the concept of the plant growth process, not as expected. This is indicated by the average value of mid term results of less than 63, below the value of exhaustiveness Belajara Minimum Standards (SKBM). Also in classroom learning situations passive and less passionate following of students learning process. From the results of discussions between the principal and teachers, this condition is caused by the selected learning strategy is not just teachers, because they lack time, money and energy; teachers choose to use practical methods to plant seeds. Meanwhile, the school environment is actually a source of learning that can be used as a field population and school gardens.
To overcome these problems, efforts should be made design improvements and learning strategies that teachers can improve the quality of learning, by trying to apply the learning process in plant growth. This effort is also to support the implementation of the curriculum KTSP 2007 / 2008 is thematic.
D. Formulation and RESOLUTION
1. Problem Definition
Based on the above, can be formulated: What is the application of practical learning model plant to plant seeds can improve the quality of the learning concepts in plant growth processes.
2. Problems Solving
To solve these problems, the steps performed in accordance with the steps (syntax) practice model plant to plant seeds
a. Teachers share with the group of 5 or 6 students who are academically heterogeneous, then give problems associated with the concept of plant growth processes
b. Students in groups to design activities to solve problems in the form of student activity sheet (BLM)
c. Students make observations on the growth process in plants
d. Students and teachers to evaluate the working group as a whole class, penilian groups and individual assessment.
3. Indicators of success measures
Implementation of this group investigation model told to succeed if the standard of competence expected at the end of cycle indicator is achieved as follows:
a. When students reach the exhaustiveness cognitively individual learning> 65%, and a group of> 85% of students have achieved learning exhaustiveness.
b. From askpek effective> 80% of students can work together in the activities of field observations and respect attitudes and opinions of others in discussing the problem.
c. Psychomotor aspects of> 80% of students gain skills to observe, making reports, and is active in the field observation activities.
This research aims to improve the quality of the learning process of growth in plants Krinjing Elementary School 1.
The results of this study is expected to provide benefits to the following parties:
1. Students, in order to achieve basic competency with indiktor-indicator, increased activity in the learning process, enhance cooperation, develop creativity and able to express his opinion.
2. Teachers, will be able to add variety of learning strategies, and implement the learning process in accordance with the curriculum
3. School, will be able to provide a very significant contribution to developing infrastructure and learning innovations SCIENCE particular, and for other subjects in general.
In the view Jonhn Dewey (1917), Herbert Thelen (1960) and joyce weil (1986) in winataputra (1994), education in a democratic society, should teach the process of direct democracy. Therefore, education for students at least should be organized in a way to do research together, or "cooperative inquiry". This model has been used in various fields of study for different age levels.
Learning model is a conceptual framework that describes the systematic procedure of organizing learning experiences to achieve specific learning objectives. The function of the learning model is as a guide for teachers to plan learning activities.
Basically, the investment model is designed to guide students definite problem, herd relevant data, develop and test hypotheses. Within this framework, teachers are required to organize the learning process through group work and direct help students find information and manage the various interactions and learning activities.
In the model there are three groups investigating the main concepts of research or inquiry, knowledge (knowledge) and learning group dynamics (the dynamics of the learning group). In this research process is stimulated student learning by expecting the problem, so it will be a reaction to solve the problem.
Syntax or stages of investigation model there are five groups:
1. Students face a problematic sistuasi
2. Students conduct explorations in response to the problematic sistuasi.
3. Students formulate learning tasks and organize to build a research.
4. Students' individual learning activities
5. Students analyze the progress and the process undertaken in the research process.
Management principles that apply in class group work model, the teacher serves as more motivation motivator, innovator and provider bersabat criticism. In this case the teacher should guide and reflect the group through three stages as follows:
1. Problem-solving stage, It deals with the process of answering the question what is the problem, and what factors matter.
2. Classroom management stage, regarding the process of answering the question, what information is needed and how to organize groups to obtain information
3. Individual interpretation stage, related to how the group made the conclusion to live.
Based on theoretical studies of the above findings, the hypothesis of this research action is to apply the investigative group, the learning-quality group of plant growth processes in Krinjing Elementary School will increase.
1. Subject Research
The study was conducted in primary 1 class II Krinjing in student abilities and activities in the learning process less.
2. Process Research
This classroom action research consisted of 2 cycles, each cycle consisting of the planning, implementation of action observation and reflection
a. Planning
1. Preparation of a learning tool in the learning scenario the learning plan with measures such as in solving the problem.
2. Creating worksheets (by the students are evaluated by the teacher) observation sheet for observation and discussion activities to gauge students' psychomotor aspects.
3. Develop questionnaire, to determine students' affective aspects of learning activities (by teachers).
4. Develop an evaluation tool of test items to measure cognitive aspects of students (by teachers).
b. Implementation action
To make it easier to understand the actions of each cycle, arranged in tabular form as follows:
c. Observations
Observing the implementation of actions by using pieces of the observation in the activities and discussions. Amatanya object is as follows:
1) Activities of students in a passive activity and experience negative
2) student activity in the discussion positive and negative
Improving the quality of learning processes in plant growth through the practice of planting seeds of plants in SD Negeri 1 Krinjing
B. FIELD OF STUDY: Design and Learning Strategies
Quality of learning in class II, 1 SD Krinjing school year 2009 / 2010 on the concept of the plant growth process, not as expected. This is indicated by the average value of mid term results of less than 63, below the value of exhaustiveness Belajara Minimum Standards (SKBM). Also in classroom learning situations passive and less passionate following of students learning process. From the results of discussions between the principal and teachers, this condition is caused by the selected learning strategy is not just teachers, because they lack time, money and energy; teachers choose to use practical methods to plant seeds. Meanwhile, the school environment is actually a source of learning that can be used as a field population and school gardens.
To overcome these problems, efforts should be made design improvements and learning strategies that teachers can improve the quality of learning, by trying to apply the learning process in plant growth. This effort is also to support the implementation of the curriculum KTSP 2007 / 2008 is thematic.
D. Formulation and RESOLUTION
1. Problem Definition
Based on the above, can be formulated: What is the application of practical learning model plant to plant seeds can improve the quality of the learning concepts in plant growth processes.
2. Problems Solving
To solve these problems, the steps performed in accordance with the steps (syntax) practice model plant to plant seeds
a. Teachers share with the group of 5 or 6 students who are academically heterogeneous, then give problems associated with the concept of plant growth processes
b. Students in groups to design activities to solve problems in the form of student activity sheet (BLM)
c. Students make observations on the growth process in plants
d. Students and teachers to evaluate the working group as a whole class, penilian groups and individual assessment.
3. Indicators of success measures
Implementation of this group investigation model told to succeed if the standard of competence expected at the end of cycle indicator is achieved as follows:
a. When students reach the exhaustiveness cognitively individual learning> 65%, and a group of> 85% of students have achieved learning exhaustiveness.
b. From askpek effective> 80% of students can work together in the activities of field observations and respect attitudes and opinions of others in discussing the problem.
c. Psychomotor aspects of> 80% of students gain skills to observe, making reports, and is active in the field observation activities.
This research aims to improve the quality of the learning process of growth in plants Krinjing Elementary School 1.
The results of this study is expected to provide benefits to the following parties:
1. Students, in order to achieve basic competency with indiktor-indicator, increased activity in the learning process, enhance cooperation, develop creativity and able to express his opinion.
2. Teachers, will be able to add variety of learning strategies, and implement the learning process in accordance with the curriculum
3. School, will be able to provide a very significant contribution to developing infrastructure and learning innovations SCIENCE particular, and for other subjects in general.
In the view Jonhn Dewey (1917), Herbert Thelen (1960) and joyce weil (1986) in winataputra (1994), education in a democratic society, should teach the process of direct democracy. Therefore, education for students at least should be organized in a way to do research together, or "cooperative inquiry". This model has been used in various fields of study for different age levels.
Learning model is a conceptual framework that describes the systematic procedure of organizing learning experiences to achieve specific learning objectives. The function of the learning model is as a guide for teachers to plan learning activities.
Basically, the investment model is designed to guide students definite problem, herd relevant data, develop and test hypotheses. Within this framework, teachers are required to organize the learning process through group work and direct help students find information and manage the various interactions and learning activities.
In the model there are three groups investigating the main concepts of research or inquiry, knowledge (knowledge) and learning group dynamics (the dynamics of the learning group). In this research process is stimulated student learning by expecting the problem, so it will be a reaction to solve the problem.
Syntax or stages of investigation model there are five groups:
1. Students face a problematic sistuasi
2. Students conduct explorations in response to the problematic sistuasi.
3. Students formulate learning tasks and organize to build a research.
4. Students' individual learning activities
5. Students analyze the progress and the process undertaken in the research process.
Management principles that apply in class group work model, the teacher serves as more motivation motivator, innovator and provider bersabat criticism. In this case the teacher should guide and reflect the group through three stages as follows:
1. Problem-solving stage, It deals with the process of answering the question what is the problem, and what factors matter.
2. Classroom management stage, regarding the process of answering the question, what information is needed and how to organize groups to obtain information
3. Individual interpretation stage, related to how the group made the conclusion to live.
Based on theoretical studies of the above findings, the hypothesis of this research action is to apply the investigative group, the learning-quality group of plant growth processes in Krinjing Elementary School will increase.
1. Subject Research
The study was conducted in primary 1 class II Krinjing in student abilities and activities in the learning process less.
2. Process Research
This classroom action research consisted of 2 cycles, each cycle consisting of the planning, implementation of action observation and reflection
a. Planning
1. Preparation of a learning tool in the learning scenario the learning plan with measures such as in solving the problem.
2. Creating worksheets (by the students are evaluated by the teacher) observation sheet for observation and discussion activities to gauge students' psychomotor aspects.
3. Develop questionnaire, to determine students' affective aspects of learning activities (by teachers).
4. Develop an evaluation tool of test items to measure cognitive aspects of students (by teachers).
b. Implementation action
To make it easier to understand the actions of each cycle, arranged in tabular form as follows:
c. Observations
Observing the implementation of actions by using pieces of the observation in the activities and discussions. Amatanya object is as follows:
1) Activities of students in a passive activity and experience negative
2) student activity in the discussion positive and negative
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