Curriculum is a set of plans and the setting of objectives, content and learning materials and how to use the guidelines as providing learning activities to achieve certain educational goals of education. Goals include a specific goal of national education and compliance with specific conditions and the potential areas, and education of students. Thus a curriculum developed by education to the needs and potential in the region.

Curriculum development level of education (KTSP), which refers to the various national education standards to ensure the achievement of national education goals. National standards of education content standards, processes, competencies graduates, staff's, facilities and infrastructure, management, financing and assessment of education. Two of the eighth national standards for education content that is standard (SI) and standard competency graduates (SKL) is a main reference unit for education in developing curriculum.

Primary school level is the beginning of the curriculum, but over the progress of science and Technology (Science & Technology) is increasingly penetrated, the curriculum is weak start, as an example in the curriculum subject Education Religion Islam (PAI) in the primary school level that is an eye main subjects in educating students about forms of moral integrity, of late be started, even just seen the eye.

Along with the above strategy should be a variation in developing Islamic education curriculum in primary schools. Subjects so that Islamic religious education is not just a name only. For the education unit with the relevant parties need to make a particular policy of the curriculum is appropriate capabilities, facilities and infrastructure available.

Curriculum can be defined as a number of subjects and materials that must be mastered perseta students to obtain a target achievement of learning achievement. There is another understanding of the curriculum, including curriculum plan as a guide for teaching activities. The curriculum is also defined as a written document for education in the schools.

In order to meet the needs of schools, Islamic religious education curriculum work as a framer akhlaqul Karimah for students. To have achieved the excellent curriculum, especially at the level of basic education, the need to implement a development strategy, but need the principles penagembangan curriculum, the relevance of the principles, principles of efficiency, and the principle of continuity.

Now appear in various curriculum development concept. Curriculum development, in particular the problem lies in the approach to learning, while the strategies that need to be applied in developing the subject of Islam is a religious education curriculum that contains several principles, namely:
a. Faith, moral values and noble character
b. Strengthening national integrity
c. The balance of ethics, aesthetics, logic and kinestetika
d. Similarities in the opportunities
e. Century of knowledge and information Technology
f. Development of life skills
g. Is based on continuous assessment of students with comprehensive dn
h. Development of comprehensive

In curriculum development, is expected to implement governance rules / principles appropriate circumstances the school, both in terms of intellectual, learning targets, student ability and the appropriate goals of national education.
By : Hadisetyo